Shayetet 13 Commando Dies in Training

ga.jpgIDF Navy Commander Admiral Eliezer Marom has ordered an investigation into the death of a Shayetet 13 naval commando during a routine training exercise. He has also suspended all commando training exercises following the death of 19-year-old Sgt. Gal Azoulai, from Zichron Yaakov, died on Monday during a training event off the coast of Ashkelon.

He was pulled from the water and CPR was implemented, followed by advanced life support resuscitation efforts, unfortunately without success.

Prior to the 90 minute diving exercise, he underwent a fitness check and was deemed in good health. He also has done the exercise in the past without difficulty. All of the trainees are checked by a physician prior to diving in such an exercise. Azoulai released emergency flares, signaling he was in distress, but by the time he was pulled from the water, he was in cardiac arrest.

Officials indicate that the investigation will also entail scrutinizing his gear to determine if there was a malfunction.

Naval commandos undergo a rigorous basic training that last for about 20 months until certified as a member of the elite Shayetet 13 unit, similar to America’s navy SEALS.

The soldier will be laid to rest on Tuesday, at 1:00pm, in Zichron Yaakov.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. ‘Azoulai released emergency flares, signaling he was in distress, but by the time he was pulled from the water, he was in cardiac arrest.’

    this part is not accurate. Sgt. Gal Azoulai want down with a fellow diver with a line connecting them to each other. this is standard practice in the training dives. both divers are expected to communicate with hand signals at regular intervals under water using hand signals. azouly did not respond to his partners signal -an indication that he was in distress. it was the other diver that activated the flares after inflating a contraption to bring his friend up .all this took seconds as they are well trained for such an occurrence . then he was pulled onto a boat and then to the pier where the army medics were allerted by the flares.

    source: reshet bet

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