Monday News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Water Authority employees are continuing work sanctions today.

**President Shimon Peres is expected to officially launch his own You Tube channel on Tuesday, inviting people from around the globe to contact him.

**During a visit to Betar Illit on Monday, Minister of Religious Services Yaakov Margi stated he will call upon the PM to cancel the building freeze, calling the decision “inhumane” and “immoral”.

**One person was killed and another injured in a vehicular accident outside Betar Illit. Preliminary findings at the scene indicate the truck driver lost control of his vehicle.

**Bituach Leumi employees are continuing work sanctions. Offices are closed nationwide and telephones are not being answered.

**Tefillos will take place in Yericho on Thursday of Chanukah, Rosh Chodesh Teves. Bus transportation will be available from Yerushalayim. Those interested may call 052-869-9300.

**Today marks 26 years since the petira of Rav Yitzchak Hutner zt”l.

**Arrangements are continuing for Wednesday evening’s major anti-construction freeze protest at Jerusalem’s Paris Square, at 6:00pm. Transportation will be available from different locations around the country. For information, call 02-621-1999.

**IDF soldiers taking part in counter-terrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron arrested five suspects on Sunday night.

**Health officials in Gaza report a first swine flu death.

**IDF soldiers operating in the Beit Lechem district found six bombs constructed from fire extinguishers in an Arab village south of the city.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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