Kedumim Residents Block Civil Administration Inspectors

Dozens of residents of the Shomron community of Kedumim early Sunday morning blocked the entrance to the community to prevent IDF Civil Administration inspectors from entering the community to formally serve the stop-construction orders, part of the implementation of the cabinet decision to impose a 10-month building freeze throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Speaking with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) host Razi Barkai on Sunday morning, veteran yishuv leader Daniela Weiss stated with confidence “we have endured many difficult chapters in history, and we will emerge successful here too, against the evil decree”.

In his usual provocative pro-left-wing way, Barkai asked “Just how far will you take it and will you cross the red lines that should not be crossed?”

Weiss explained the struggle over the future of Yehuda and Shomron is one that enjoys the support of many people, not just those living in communities, confident in the coming years, there will be 2 million Jews living “over the Green Line”. We will “take to the mountains and establish new farms and outposts and we will continue the natural move of continuing to settle all of Eretz Yisrael”.

She stated the government orders “have no legal status. They [stop-construction orders] negate democracy and the very essence of the nation’ survival”, adding these orders are nothing more than ‘paper, ink on paper, without any binding legal status”.

When asked from a legal standpoint how it is that a government can authorize the establishment of a community, but not the opposite? Weiss explained that Chazal teach us were are “here to build and not to destroy”

She told Barkai “you are not going to box me into the corner you are trying to achieve. This is about the future of the Jewish People and Eretz Yisrael,” making reference to Ariel Sharon and now Netanyahu. Weiss rejected Barkai’s attempt to label the stop-construction orders as “illegal” responding “there are thousands of illegal buildings in the Galil, Negev and other areas but when Am Yisrael builds in Eretz Yisrael, there is nothing illegal about it!” 

Weiss concluded “I am not in the yishuv now. I will not remain in a ghetto. I am now on the way to launch a new outpost. I will announce details on Chanukah as we establish new outposts over the holiday”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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