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Drug-Smuggling Avreich from Betar Illit Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison

jail.jpgAn avreich from Betar Illit was sentenced by a London court to six years in prison for carrying drugs. After all the consideration in the case, it is believed that he will actually serve 23 months.

The avreich, 37, the father of nine children, was arrested a number of months ago in Heathrow Airport on suspicion of smuggling drugs. He was found to be carrying 7 kilograms of cocaine.

He was sentenced to 6 years in prison. It is believed that three years will be removed from the sentence for good behavior and an additional 9 months for being a foreign resident as well as the 4 months that he has already been in prison.

London askan R’ Moti Krauss assisted a great deal in the case, Hareidim reports, undertaking much of the legal expenses involved. As a result, the attorney representing the defendant succeeded in obtaining the minimum sentence. The defendant’s family flew to London to be at his side during the trial.

The avreich traveled between Brazil and London as a m’shulach, raising funds for mosdos torah.

The news of his arrest came as a result of his steady driver waiting for him at Heathrow for hours, but he never left the terminal. According to the report, British security forces were acting on a request from Israel Police, acting on intelligence information that the avreich was a drug courier.

The information furnished by Israel Police proved reliable, since when arrested, the cocaine was found on the avreich’s person. The value of the drugs is estimated to be about $1 million. It appears Israel Police agents were monitoring his actions for months, as he repeated the same route, Brazil – London.

Police report that the man was only a courier and the leaders of the drug ring are also based in Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

21 Responses

  1. A 37 yr old, father of nine, was not aware that he was a messenger of a drug cartel!!!!. Please pass the word around that you will be arrested and jailed for supplying, smuggling and carrying drugs from one country to the next.

  2. Raboisai,
    I don’t want to be the one to cast the first stones.
    But we’ve got to buckle up and start teaching our people right and wrong.

    We should use the Shabbos table as discussions of morality and good judgement. Point out these stories of how not to sink even out of desperation.

    All these stories are very demorilizing. (Ponzi schemes drugs etc.) But we could stop the MAGEIFO.

  3. I propose that we raise money for this poor person;maybe we can also arrange yom tefillas to daven for this unfortunate neshoma. I am sure that he was only using this product lshem shomayim for kiyum hatorah.

  4. #3 rezman, You propose to raise money, who for? this jewish drug trafficker? you think he’s suddenly innocent coz he’s jewish and wears a kappel and peyos? does their torah allow this huge chillul Hashem? let him serve wat he deserves. and hopefully the rest of our nation will learn and educate themselves as to dina malchuso dina and dina shel torah. it’s way above time. i have zero tolerance and sympathy for people who sin with the knowledge that they’re doing it which is the case here.

  5. I’m sure the Yated will have a front page article about this man, claiming that it’s a modern day blood libel and that since many others carry drugs and are never caught, it is a clear indication that this is an antisemitic persecution of a wonderful man.
    Oh, wait, this is an unknown (probably poor) avreich! Oh, if that’s the case, the Yated will most likely have nothing to say. Too bad for him…

  6. The comments so far are all correct and proper; this yungerman is a criminal and should be incarcerated. He’ll be lucky to only serve 23 months. Now, why are the comments so different when the case of the “bochrim” jailed in Japan for transporting drugs is mentioned? Hmmm?

  7. #8 – The bachrim caught in Japan knew they were smuggling but thought “it was only antique artifacts”. They didn’t realize it was hard drugs. They were only fools. But this guy – he’s an idiot.

  8. Neve Aliza: “The bachrim caught in Japan knew they were smuggling but thought “it was only antique artifacts”.”

    Good thing they don’t live in America and try to steal the Declaration of Independence in Washington. After all, it’s ONLY an antique artifact. Come on now, do you see nothing wrong with this picture???

  9. Locknload, the comments are different because the boys in Japan were unwitting victims of a conspiracy to smuggle drugs. They were idiots, true, but being an idiot isn’t a crime.

    THIS guy is a criminal & he’s very lucky he only got 4 years.

  10. #11 — Many people sitting in a prison cell have an IQ of 60. The law looks at an action only, in cases where no insanity plea is entered. So it seems being an idiot is a crime.

  11. Some think they’re selling illegal/ prescription/drugs/ liquor/ cigarettes to some stranger and it won’t affect them, but lots of our children, yes OUR children find out who has the goods and WHERE they have the goods and too many of them are becoming addicts because it was readily available.
    If the people involved who KNEW about this were told that they can only make $/ live their lifestyle if they willingly give poison to their neighbor’s son, would they do it? Hopefully, NO.
    You know that really effective sign that was designed years ago before Purim…don’t give MY son to drink?…who ever the genius was who designed it should do a similar one for smoking (cigarettes) and doing drugs. Too many of OUR kids are introduced to it by a ‘FRIEND’. And by the time they realize they’re hooked, its too late.
    Go for a walk in any of the urban neighborhoods at night, and count the number of little boys who are smoking. Even ONE is too much. (emphasis is on the younger generation, not the older generations who got addicted before they knew of its dangers).

  12. The difference is the boys in Japan were paid to do it and were Naive bochurim who had no idea what they were doing. This guy (from what it sounds like) is a mule, he is a repeat offender, if the authorities were tracking him for months that means it wasnt his first offense. Yea, not feeling sorry for him.

    Wondering why they are even making him sit and why they arent going up the ladder and offering him a deal?


  13. Do you how many times I’m approached at the airport by Charidim who ask me to talk an extra duty-free package through Customs for them? (I guess that also says a lot about me?) I always tell them to take a shbatzir. The point is there should be zero tolerance for this type of abuse of the laws.

  14. To all those who are condemning this guy; Of course he is wrong but when the time comes after 120 for US to be judged for our deeds, do you want the Bais Din Shel Ma’aloh to judge YOU the same way you are judging him (based only on a news article? #4,your statement “i have zero tolerance and sympathy for people who sin with the knowledge that they’re doing it which is the case here”. Think it over very carefully before making such a statement unless you are really 100% clean. Gut Shabbos.

  15. Every one shoudl read the book “Escape from India” it comes in Hebrew also about what happens to people (even if they are frum) who smuggle drugs!

  16. Let’s think about this a minute. This avreich has nine children and works as a meshulach. How much money does he make? To support a wife and nine children? Sometimes the temptation is just too great. Why did he not have training and education so that he could work at something which will make him an honest, respectable living and not leave such a wide field for his yetzer hara?

    “He who does not teach his son a trade is teaching him to be a thief.” Could it be that a lot of the problems we are seeing in terms of lawbreaking these days comes directly from this source? We don’t give our young men an honest trade, so they fall prey to the temptation to “make a living” dishonestly.

    A second thought – while the avreich has committed a crime and is rightly sentenced to jail, how are his wife and nine children going to survive? Yes, someone should be raising money – for the family. They did not commit any crime, yet they are going to suffer far more, struggling to make ends meet (let alone bear the stigma). Let someone who knows how to do these things start a collection for the welfare of those nine children, who will be missing their (foolish)father for the next two years, and the mother who must now bear the burdens alone.

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