Meshi-Zahav: Let’s Return the Kosel to the Turks

mz.jpgZaka founder and leader Yehuda Meshi-Zahav on Monday took part in a Jerusalem forum to bridge the gap between secularists, shomer shabbat Jews and chareidim. During the forum he stated that perhaps the Kosel should be returned to the Turks, since only they know how to value its holiness and act accordingly.

When asked about the chareidi shabbos protests, he stated that they do not really affect him either way, stating “they are a forum for action but one mustn’t take them to heart”. When asked about calls from protestors against police using terms such as “Nazi”, he stated he was present at one such event and he went over to the person who shouted “Nazi” and gave him a slap as a reproach to his unacceptable actions.

Some of the secularists present stated the Kosel is like a “tennis court” and the current situation is unacceptable, calling for the implementation of a status quo to govern policy for the Holy Site.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

17 Responses

  1. Actually, restoring the Ottoman Empire isn’t such a bad idea. Indeed, a modern form of the late Empire might be the only peaceful solution to the problems of the middle east. While Jews should demand more respect for civil rights, that shouldn’t be a problem. The Palestinians will never agree to make concessions to Jews, but will make them to Muslims.

  2. In respect for Meshi- Zahav’s work for zaka, I will not say what I think about his ridiculous statment about the last remnant of the Bais Hamikdsoh. I will assume he said it “tongue-in-cheek”, to provoke his listeners to act with more “kavod’ at the Kottel.
    I don’t know apukerman but his comments get more bizarre as the days wear on….We are indeed in a bizarro world…

  3. How about returning Meah Shearim, Sharei Chesed, and Geula to the Turks also and to the family of the Grand Mufti..
    BTW as soon as the descendents of the Grand Mufti reappear, Jews will suddenly disappear and the graveyards will be overwhelmed.

  4. when he spoke in hebrew he used the “action” which is modern ivrit [slang] taken from english. but the meaning is lost in the translation. it means fun, excitement,[for the youth] etc.

  5. There are some straaaange people out there.

    Does he not know that the Turks are gurnisht mit gurnisht nowadays?

    How about giving it to the Yevusim? Oh, they arent around either.

  6. Why is this hothead’s opinion important? Because he started Zaka? That’s great, but I don’t see why that qualifies him to talk about the Kotel, etc. He SLAPPED a guy for saying something he disagrees with? The man should be arrested immediately.

  7. It’s not completely crazy. Rav Miller zt”l said that the one good thing about the HAr Habayis being under muslim control is that its kedusha wont be violated by tourists or id0ols, or Jews who aren’t careful. Te best thing would be not to have the question of course. I dont like the thought wither, but what does Hashem say?

  8. A true askan leshem shamayim – and a real original character. Reb Yehuda Meshi Zahav is the closest thing we have to a Pinchas at this time.

    He also gave a certain little redhead a nice potch (a tikkun for the kiss he got from Amadjihadi in Iran) when they met up in Lizhensk and maybe that helped said jinji do tshuva.

  9. Why does the YW editor give coverage to the statements of someone who is clearly “challenged” or simply no longer in control of what he says. Its sad but this guy no longer makes any sense since the Turks are quickly evolving into Iran’s best friends. Perhaps someone should keep him away from a microphone or reporter so he should not embarrass himself further.

  10. I agree with everyone’s opinion about Meshi-Zahav’s ma’asim tovim with ZAKA and Hatzoloh. However, he is off the mark about the Turks.

    akuperma, your ignorance of Jewish history is shining right through. When the Kosel was under Turkish control, the Kosel was made into literally a Sha’ar Ashpa, an alleyway where the Arabs could dump their garbage and dirty wash water. Nowadays, we have seen the anti-semitism of modern day Turkey. To give them a slice of Jerusalem including the Kosel could lead to much worse and the possible loss of Jewish lives, chas v’shalom. A very bad idea indeed.

  11. Hey Meshy as long as you agree with the Har Habayis Desecrater M,.O rabbi Moshe T,and with his anti halacha brain death amoratzes your word is gornisht mit gornisht

  12. How can anyone try and find a way to justify the stance that the Beis Hamikdash is a secular circus ground? I just can’t believe this was said seriously. Of course it is a religious place – and not a Luna Park.

  13. How about some love and understanding in Israel where we can talk thing out…..of course not – we must fight brother against brother untill we are kicked out of the land once again,
    Why are we jews just a bunch of loooooooooooosers??????????? Cant we just shape up and live with our Father in OUR land???

  14. #2, akuperma, in my opinion, is a pragmatic idealist. I enjoy reading him as well as others I may or may not agree with. As long as someones’ thoughts are sincere, they are worth pondering.

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