Coming Soon: Intel Tuesday – The Major Protest

intel.jpgThe word is out, beginning to circulate throughout Yerushalayim, that this coming Tuesday, 8 December, will be Intel Day, a day that will host a major chareidi protest against the chilul shabbos at the Jerusalem site of the high-tech firm, located in the Har Chotzvim High-Tech Park.

Eida Chareidis officials met on Monday night, reaching the decision, that in one week’s time, the protest will be held. Reports indicate the Vaad L’maan Shabbos will also be supporting and taking part in the effort.

Members of the Eida beis din and other prominent rabbonim are expected to take part in the event, adding if the event is rained out, it will be postponed for a day. Rabbonim made the rounds to the homes of Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, seeking to enlist their support as well, adding the event will be taking place in the later part of the day, towards evening.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. Soon Intel will tire of this headache and simply move out.

    The Kedushas Shabbos will then have been enhanced. Better less jobs and more Kedusha, then less Kedusha and more jobs.

  2. Have any of these people ever heard of kiruv?
    IF we love shabbos so much and love our fellow jews so much, how about serving cholent and kugel to all the intel workers! and singing zemiros instead of all this screaming and yelling. If you are looking for action there are plenty of sports games socer/basketball you can play.

  3. What a ridiculous rally!!!!!
    If a compromise has been met regarding nonjewish workers on shabbos kodesh, then why is the fist fighting continuing? I guess Rav Porush senior and others will keep thinking, the seculars are jealous since we are increasing and they are shrinking.. Probably the seculars are distressed that Jerusalem will be a city without income, business and enterprise and will fall down the tubes. Our past chachamim were advocators of workers and respected the bankers, businessmen, printers, tailors, etc. What is going on now????

  4. Ms Aliza, Satmar neither celebrate Adolff Eichmann nor his Jewish Kapo Kastner; even though both Eichmann and Kastner worked hand-in-hand regarding that train.

  5. Joseph – I’m sure the Satmar don’t celebrate the likes of people AE & RK per say. They most likely celebrate the יד השם which works THRU the likes of such people in way we cannot fathom.

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