Iran Continues Exhibiting Brazen Defiance

iran5.jpgAs the United States is slowly beginning to come to terms with the reality that Tehran will not back down, and that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is genuinely uninterested in negotiating an American style truce via diplomatic talks. Iran is boldly forging ahead, planning to construct no less than 10 new nuclear facilities, each the size of the existing Natanz plant, with the goal of producing 250-300 tons of enriched uranium annually, the Times on Line reports.

A report released by the official state-run IRNA news agency states work on five installations is already underway. It appears Ahmadinejad made the final decision today, Sunday, during a cabinet meeting.

Backed by permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany, the allied nations just released a new strongly-worded condemnation of Iran, but for Tehran, it appears the threats and even economic sanctions are insufficient to compel Ahmadinejad to comply, remaining tenacious in his yearning to achieve nuclear independence, exhibiting a defiance that is finally eliciting a modicum of concern among senior officials on Capitol Hill.

Adding an added measure of chutzpa, an Iranian official announcement called for reducing cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency due to the “hasty behavior” of the international community, referring to the most recent condemnation. The Iranians are not only refusing to comply, but are taking punitive action against America and her allies for behaving inappropriately.

There has been no official reaction from Jerusalem to this breaking story, nor has any official statement been heard from Washington as Iran defiantly marches ahead at a brisk pace towards buildings its first atom bomb.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. No one was willing to stop the Iranians, the Europeans nor the Arabs. The Russians have for too long been helping the Iranians. The Americans have put shackles on the Israelis and only offered tepid responses.

    Only Hashem can save the Jewish people. Woe onto the rest of the world.

  2. Uh Common Sense, what would you term such a story? Do you think you are safe from the Iranians and their nuclear materiel. I should tell you that Hamas and Hezbollah operatives have been sneaking through the Mexican border with suitcases filled with nuclear material and are just waiting for the time they will be either able to drop them from airplanes for throw them out of trucks, etc.

    If I were you, I would start worrying…..

  3. So Ahmadinejad’s defiance is “finally eliciting a modicum of concern among senior officials on Capitol Hill.”

    Yup…better watch out Ahmadinejad. Obama senior officials are about to have a hissy fit. Take that you bad man!

  4. Iran is crystal clear on it’s stance on everything. It is the rest of the world that is defiant in a desire to survive by not acting accordingly.

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