Secularists Rally Against Chareidi Coercion

While the chareidim were relatively quiet this shabbos, Jerusalem police did not get a rest, rather they were called to standby a different rally, one held by the non-frum community against Orthodox coercion.

Thousands of non-religious people were on hand, including MKs, marching from Paris Square to Zion Square, escorted by police as they decried what they perceive as an ever increasing frum coercion which infringes on their secular lifestyle. One poster stated “Iran is right here – we are sick of chareidi violence”.

MKs Nitzan Horowitz (Kadima) and Ofir Pines (Labor) accuse police of being “too soft” on chareidim, permitting them to get away with too much. They explained “one day it’s Intel, the next day the Pride Parade”.

They questioned regarding basic rights for the non-frum community and their children, who live in the city too.

Organizers explained they represent a majority and as such, they will not back down to the minority chareidi community, and they will not permit the chareidim to dictate policy for the entire city.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

19 Responses

  1. And people wonder why the Jewish world is beset by countless tragedies!?!

    When Anti-religious secular Jews have better middos and are more of a Kiddush Hashem than so-called “haredim”….it’s no longer a wonder.

  2. #3 You should be ashamed of you self, the police mostly go violent on the hareidim. And don’t forget Hashems Brocho to a hareidi Avrohom Avinu “those who bless you should be blessed and who curse you, should be cursed”. Think more then twice before you put hareidim down.

  3. If anyone was unsure of the definition of chillul hashem, they now have the official designation, they Eida has caused others to rally against Torah. Tafasta meruba lo tafasta. their rallies are backfiring and hurting us.

  4. Avraham Sofer – ’tis you who should be ashamed. It is chareidim who have caused the mass chillul HaShem, and the secular/dati majority is sick of it, which means, sick of us. We need to use our brains more often.

  5. to see the violence these animals use to try and impose their secular beliefs on us.

    BTW, WHERE WAS THE VIOLENCE? Every media reported a crowd of over 2000 people walking, marching, singing in an orderly fashion through the streets of Yerushayalim.

  6. To poster #4 (Avraham Sofer)-
    the cursing seems to be all on the side of the hareidim. It is the hareidim who call their fellow Jews “nazi”. I don’t recall Avraham Avinu spitting on anyone, nor throwing stones.

    The lesson here is that demonstrations organized by the Eida Hareidit invariably degenerate into violence (always blamed later on a “few disaffected youths”). The Eida could learn some Musar from watching the behavior at the secular/mamlachti-dati demonstrations.

  7. #3 and #6 you guys are totaly INSANE!!! just remember that this is the land of FRUM jews and this land only belongs to us jews because were the decendents of our fathers who were FRUM jews, and who would protest against those who dont keep the torah as well. So get your priorities straight!!

  8. “…they represent a majority and as such, they will not back down to the minority…”

    So if the majority in an area are Shomer Shabbos, then these secularists would willingly yield to the majority?

  9. to #4
    what makes you think Avram Aveinu was Chareidi?
    For sure he didn’t wear a shtreimel and bekeshe, for sure he welcomed non shomrei shobbos and secularists into his home and conversed with men and women who were avodie avodo zara
    but maybe you are right. He was medakdaik on the most important Chareidi values. For sure he didn’t watch TV, go on the internet, go to the movies.

  10. It is intersting that #10 seems to feel that only”frum” jewd are in the yerusha of The Avos. He seems to forget that all jews are jews. and such have a right to the yerusha. I the Chilunim behave better then the charedie community when protesting, that at least in this area we have what to learn from them. And if you learn from some one you should respect them. Respect the fact they are Jewish, if the lack in learning help them.

  11. to all the apikorsim out there!!! Avraham Avinu (THE CHAREIDI!) did make hafganos remember the smashing of the avodah zarah! Yes we do need to make our voice heard! and btw chilul hashem is when hashem is proud, not the way the frei low-lifes think! The holy city and the holy shabbos is being desecrated where are our outcries?!!!

  12. 14, the fact that you would refer to fellow jews as “low-lifes” [sic], is deeply disturbing. Please go learn in a proper Yeshiva and don’t converse with other human beings until you learn the meaning of derech eretz.

  13. #15
    I’m glad you think derech eretz means to someone who is machalel shem shamayim on a daily basis! and that it’s less important than kfira! (sic)

  14. You dont have to go far to see the hooliganism and intimidation of chareidi’ism. Just look at these comments made HERE.

    On this thread alone ive seen chareidi voices call others who disagree with them “apikorsim, INSANE, Ashamed”.

    And i havent seen it go the other way. Why cant you learn to make an argument or point without having to resort to name calling, spitting or violence?

    Seems the same tactics spill over to these threads.

    Very Sad.

    And BTW, Avraham Avinu being chareidi? lol – where do u even get that from?!?!?!

  15. For all of you who don’t know how it works in “ISRAEL” is very different than it is supposed to work in TORADIK ERETZ YISROEL!!!!
    Without any provocation at all at a rally in Yerushalayim 37 or so years ago, in a new neighborhood built without roads, lighting, grocery, shul. The MISHMAR HAGVUL, the most vicious mounted boarder police were there ready to attack. AND ATTACK THEY DID!!!

  16. For all of you who don’t know how it works in “ISRAEL” is very different than it is supposed to work in TORADIK ERETZ YISROEL!!!!
    Without any provocation at all at a rally in Yerushalayim 37 or so years ago, in a new neighborhood built without roads, lighting, grocery, shul. The MISHMAR HAGVUL, the most vicious mounted boarder police were there ready to attack. AND ATTACK THEY DID!!! They came after the elderly, women & children in baby carriages!!
    THEY WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO THEIR OWN!!!! This treatment is reserved for the Torah communities only! I’ve said this before in this forum…..RAK KI AIN YIRAS ELOKIM BAMOKOM HAZEH!!!These are anti semites of the worst form!! I know this first hand & most of those “Police” in the Mishmar HaGvul aren’t even Jewish. Alot of them are Israeli ARABS!!!!!

    So…. #2, #3 and all the others, let us be MELAMED ZECHUS ON KLAL YISROEL, because CHESED LEUMIM CHATAS!! The Germans were also very well mannered people, weren’t they?????? Until they got hold of a JID!!!!! May H-Shem protect us in the Zchus of our devotion to each other, Torah, & ALL THE TORAH GUIDELINES & MITZVOS AD BIYAS GOEL TZEDEK AMEN

  17. oh, i forgot to say.

    Chareidim also love using CAPITAL LETTERS to scream and yell and make your point.

    Please- be civil, make a point like a gentleman and be heard. dont resort to SHOUTING and YELLING and looking like a boor.

    and even moreso, to call an israeli policeman an anti semite is chutzpa and kafui tov. What will u call them when they protect you and your family from criminals and arabs who hate you? they put ther lives on the line for you.

    You have some nerve

  18. #21 These Mishmar Hagvul are not the regular police force who are moser nefesh for klal Yisroel. They are Druze & Israeli Arabs for the most part. And…. unless you have been in such a situation, you cannot refute what I said.
    PS My capitalizing was stressing a point, not yelling. I do not yell!

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