Livnat Releases Sharp Criticism of Obama Administration

Minister of Culture & Sport (Likud) Limor Livnat has earned herself a prominent place in the nation’s media headlines, stating “she does not envy” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for having to deal with US President Barak Obama and his administration.

Livnat, who was addressing Likud activists in Beersheva, explained the prime minister is under enormous pressure from the White House, explaining she does not feel comfortable with the unilateral declaration of a construction freeze throughout Yehuda and Shomron, emphasizing the move will not earn the appreciation of those involved. At the end of the day she explains, Israel will be the bad guy once again, questioning the validity of the move.

She went on to state the American administration is tormenting Israel, and the situation is not an easy one.

The Prime Minister’s Office did not waste time distancing itself from the MK’s statements, stating Livnat in no way represent’s government policy, going as far to thank the White House for its unwavering commitment to Israel’s continued security.

Responding to media quotes of her remarks, she stated she did not recall using the word “awful” in relation to the Obama administration, explaining she spoke of the immense pressure and the rigidity of the current American administration.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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