Israel Grants Clemency for 92 Terrorists – More Good Will

pa.jpgIn yet another pathetic unilateral gesture, Israel on Thursday announced it is pardoning 92 Fatah terrorists, terrorists on Israel’s wanted list, including an unspecified number from the notorious al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade wing, responsible for many terror attacks.

It would appear that eliminating checkpoints, roadblocks and relaxing restrictions for entering into Green Line Israel was not enough, or the imminent release of hundreds of murderous terrorists, but the prime minister, a man of compassion, felt compelled to pardon wanted terrorists, perhaps to permit them to enjoy the upcoming Islamic holiday, Id el-Adha. Of course in return for the gesture, the terrorists have committed not to return to their former lives, committed to refrain from engaging in murderous activities in the future.

Security officials report most of those pardoned will be permitted to travel in PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas only, while others will have freedom of movement throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Once again, Israel is trying to give a boost to the all-but-vanished popularity of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who has already announced he will not seek an additional term, well-aware his is not longer a favorite among PA residents.

The move was part of a 2007 agreement, but the timing was the decision of the Prime Minister and his senior advisors.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. What wonderful news! Now, for sure everyone will love us! The arabs will be lining up to make peace with us! Our heilige president wont know what to do first to express his appreciation!
    Maybe NOT!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Amazing,they will never learn that the more you give the more the arabs will want and they will never change from their murderous ways.

  3. It’s tough to know whether we should laugh or cry. This is sooo pathetic. Just pray for Eretz Yisroel & Klal Yisroel. The people in the so called drivers seat are asleep at the wheel. There is only Hashem.

  4. Olam Hafuch Who….

    Maybe its time for a new PM who actually cares about our safety and not just the way the world will think of us.

  5. The problem is that they should have been executed right away so that such options would have never been on the table. They should use white collar criminals as bargening tools.

  6. Of course everything is byad Hashem but we must do our hishtadlus from down here to extract the brocho of the yad Hashem to save us. we must daven, be more caring to help one another, watch wat we speak. Hashem wants to bring the geula we are holding it’s door knob but need to turn and open it to allow him to come. May we be zoiche to it speedily.

  7. This makes it seem like Israel does not know what it is doing. Massive release of prisoners makes one question the validity of their arrest to begin with. Unless one is Jewish and has a vested interest in the well-being of Israel, to onlookers, it is easy to think Israel IS capturing people for no reason and is harassing arabs. This is not the case at all. Israel is being stupid and letting out murderers; worse than opening the doors to Rahway State Prison and just letting inmates out. At least some Rahway inmates may want to try to walk and straight and narrow and not go back.

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