Lebanon Approves Hizbullah Offensive Against Israeli Targets

While not all cabinet ministers were in agreement, the Lebanese government drafted a statement justifying the right of Hizbullah and the People of Lebanon to use its army and “resistance” towards liberating its territory from Israel.

Christian and Phalange cabinet members oppose the move, which they insist are contrary to United Nations decision. Shiites however have a different view, justifying what they call “resistance”, insisting there is no alternative since they are compelled to protect Lebanon against repeated Israeli aggression.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. this article is not entirely factual. It is only the PHALANGE Christians who oppose this, the Tayyar and Marada Christians (60% of Lebanons christians) support it.

    And Israel is occupying Shebaa Farms. Hizbollah has said, when Israel stops occupation of Shebaa Farms, then there will be no more need for Hizbollah. Remember why Hizbollah formed in 82, to liberate south lebanon which they did. If Shebaa also is liberated, then Hizbollah will no longer have to resist occupation.

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