Construction Freeze Approved – Statements From PM Netanyahu Press Conference

ywbn110.gif7:58PM IL: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu a few minutes ago made a public statement, one that followed Wednesday’s political security cabinet decision to implement a 10-month construction freeze in communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron.
Leadership is judged by its ability to make the necessary decision when called upon to do so… I committed to permitting residents of Yehuda and Shomron to maintain a normal life, and as such, shuls, schools and kindergartens, along with public buildings, will be built as needed towards achieving this goal… My position pertaining to Jerusalem is known and there will be a homogenous balance, permitting Arabs and Jews alike to build…the cabinet of Israel today took a step in the right direction, calling on the PA (Palestinian Authority) to take a “bold step” and meet us at the negotiating table.

7:44PM IL: The political-security cabinet a short time ago approved Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s 10-month construction freeze throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Earlier on Wednesday, the prime minister announced the building freeze would not include provisions for “natural growth” in Yosh communities and it will not include a cessation of construction in Yerushalayim in compliance with White House demands.

11 ministers voted in favor. Minister Dr. Uzi Landau opposed the move while Shas leader Minister Eli Yishai absented himself from the vote.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. amichai (#1) Reminds me of an equation I heard recently: My ideology right or wrong = my mother drunk or sober; nice emotions, but neither prudent nor practical.

    Many of the Knesset members you “shame” are vetereans who have fought for Israel, and who have more immediately at stake than do most of us. Argue for or against a position – but do so like an thinking adult, and stop the villification and name calling.

  2. How does this affect permits for new construction that were already issued and also of sites where construction is already under way?

  3. Netanyahu is a prisoner of Obama. He really has no choice, but to follow his orders.

    “Eis Tzoroh Hu L’Yaakov, Umemena Yivosheya.”

  4. chances are the smelly arabs will never agree to negotiations anyway (since Jtown is still conctructable).

    This would be a PR victory for Israel. Hopefully as soon as the feces-smelling arabs reject this offer – he will undue the freeze.

    Of course – PR victories for Israel mean diddly.
    And do not expect Obama to fargin anything anyway.

  5. Construction Freeze is not even a ‘good will’ gesture,, the entire Abbas/Obama/Bibi dialogue is a farce. The Arabs have many cunning tricks up their sleeves in order to reclaim the lost land of Palestine, this is the first stage…and there is more to come.

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