10 Month Construction Freeze Throughout Yehuda & Shomron

bibis3.jpgDelivering a serious blow to the already critical housing shortage, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday finally made a decision, to acquiesce to mounting White House pressure, at the expense of the growing number of families in need of a roof over their heads. More than the housing issue, the prime minister has once again signaled the future of the yishuvim and municipalities throughout Yehuda and Shomron may be tenuous at best, giving increased credibility to the White House position that “settlements” are indeed a “stumbling block to peace”.

The prime minister on Wednesday night will announce his new policy during a press conference, a 10-month construction freeze which he states will make provisions for “natural growth” and it will not include Yerushalayim, seeking to portray himself as remaining steadfast in light of US President Barak Obama’s demands.

Ahead of any deal to bring Gilad Shalit home, the prime minister has handed the PA (Palestinian Authority) a major victory, sending the clear message once again, hold out long enough and get your way. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has refused to return to the negotiating table until Israel accepts American demands for a construction freeze. Even more troublesome is the reality that once again Israel makes self-destructive concessions, which have already been rejected by the PA, thereby bringing the realization that there will be additional concessions on the horizon. Abu Mazen has stated “Jerusalem is the red line” and he will not tolerate Israeli construction, in violation of American demands.

Settlement Council leader Danny Dayan stated the prime minister was elected on a right-wing platform, one that represented settlement growth, expanding communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron, but once elected; the prime minister did an about-face and is now implementing policy towards destroying these communities.

The Forum for Eretz Yisrael stated the decision is “racist” and it negates Israeli and international law.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Bibi was in Sayeret Matkal, the most prestigious commando unit in the IDF.
    A real “gever”.
    It means NOTHING.
    If someone is not a true ma’amin, not a true yirai shamayim, then when washington puts on the pressure (and you feel that THAT is where your yeshuot come from) then you cave in.
    Unless and until Israel has a leader that IS a true ma’amin, the country is in big trouble.

  2. White House pressure? Can someone explain to Obamateur that HIS terrorists in Afghanistan are no less a threat to his interests than the palestinians are to Israel’s? On second thought, why should Israel care what Obama thinks? America has been mismanaged like never before and America wants to tell Israel what is in it’s best interest? And Israel listens?

  3. Rav Shach was always against settlemlents. Natural Growth is a farce. The entire cities of Beitar and Kiryat sefer were built with so called “natural growth”. If we need housing how about Ofakim and Tifrach? What about the rest of the Negev and Galil? Why antagonize the rest of the world?

  4. #6 – Yeah, we don’t want to “antagonize the rest of the world”. Because if we did, then maybe they wouldn’t love us, like they do now.

    You remind me of the old, dark humor joke/anecdote from the Holocaust.

    Two german soldiers catch two Jews and are marching them off to be taken away to the camps. One Jew whispers to the other “I know they have guns and we don’t, but there’s two of them, and two of us. Maybe we should try to jump them.”
    His friend looks at him and whispers back “Don’t make trouble!”

    -We are B’nei HaMelech. Let’s just worry about not antagonizing HIM.

  5. #6 Why antagonize the rest of the world?
    GROW UP ALREADY, the existence of the Jew no matter where he lives is antagonizing to the world.

    BTW Bnei Brak, Sharei Chesed, Meah Sharim all started as little settlements. so what does that mean that Rav Shach was against settlements?

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