Police Assault of Gavaad Weiss Addressed in Knesset

gavad4.jpgShas MK Chaim Amsellem is determined not to permit the police assault against Eida Chareidis Gavaad Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita pass without some accountability.

Amsellem pushed the matter as an urgent point of order, stating that he “protests” the police treatment of the Gavaad at this past shabbos’ protest outside the Jerusalem Intel facility in the Har Chotzvim Industrial Park.

Amsellem explained he was not addressing the arguments for and against the legitimacy of protest, but is addressing the treatment of the rav by police, who allegedly assaulted him without provocation, without consideration for him as a person, a rabbi and his senior status in the Jerusalem chareidi community, as was reported by YWN-Israel on motzei shabbos.

Amsellem quoted Talmud Shabbos (119:b) which speaks of the destruction of Yerushalayim as a result of insulting talmidei chachamim….

He went on to quote Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, regarding the severity of insulting talmidei chachamim, how such a person will not have a share in the World to Come. Amsellem explained he felt the need to “protest” towards defending the honor of talmidei chachamim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Like the Kenesset cares about the Gemorrah and the Shulchan Oruch. He probably should have quoted the Quarn or some Chinese proverb about respecting the elderly and would have gotten a better response

  2. How can you trust the israeli police if they did this to a refine respected man. It showed the world how low the israeli policy standard is. When the arabs cry against the israeli policy they
    came bring a proof from such action

    who ever was involved should be charge with an assault

  3. Finally someone is bringing up a good point to the isreali people!!!! No one should dare act disrespectfull to our gedolim! Enough is enough!

  4. does anyone actually know what really happened?
    did the gavaad shlita get touched or hurt?
    not that t makes a difference, either way way its a huge chutzpah & bezion . I was just curious?

  5. Interesting Rambam in beginning of Hilchos Ishus: If someone sees a person committing an immoral act, he may be a kannai and kill the person. However, if the sinner kills the kannai in self-defense, he is patur, since a kannai has a din rodef. One can choose to be a kannai, but since kannaim act without the authority of any beis din, people have every right to protect themselves from these violent individuals.

    Maybe it is time to stop the violence, since it doesn’t do anything except breed more violence and has never led to more shmiras shabbos. If you want to do kiruv, do it with ahavas yisroel, rather than hatred.

  6. #6 and what has this got to do with hagoen hatzaddik rav weiss. a yid who is totaly selflessly dedicated to yidden all his life .30 years in antwerp .a man with heart of gold and ‘veiech vu putter’?a man who has no kenoes blood in him but when comes to stand up for kevod shomayin..if you think other wise why dont you run for ‘gaved’, beth din member etc etc.


  7. I just spoke to his son who told me he spoke with his father. He says his father (the Gaava’d shlita) says he wasn’t in any way hit or abused.

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