Gavaad Haifa Beis Din: Fire Chief Rabbinate Legal Advisor

HaRav Gedalyah Axelrod Shlita, the Av Beis Din Haifa, has released a statement calling to dismiss the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s legal advisor, attorney Shimon Ulman.

The case refers to remarks released by Ulman regarding rabbonim employed by the Chief Rabbinate who do not recognize giyur performed by the IDF. Ulman stated there is no room for such rabbonim in the state system, adding he feels their actions are intolerable and will lead to anarchy.

Rav Axelrod is calling on the chief rabbis and rabbis of cities around Israel to come out in support of Ashkelon Chief Rabbi Yosef Blau, who is now facing threats of dismissal for his refusal to marry a couple because the bride underwent an IDF conversion which Rav Blau states is not giyur in accordance with halacha.

Rav Axelrod is calling to dismiss Ulman for demanding Rabbi Blau’s dismissal. He also expressed his support for rabbonim who refuse to marry Jews to goyim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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