Shalit Deal Not Finalized

gilad2.jpgSpeculation surrounding a prisoner exchange deal towards obtaining the release of Gilad Shalit continues in the local and foreign press, with officials in Jerusalem seeking to proceed cautiously, stating there is no deal at present and while the parties involved remain hopeful, until a deal is signed there is no guarantee the current effort will end in success.

Gilad Shalit’s parents are not taking a ‘sit and wait’ approach, but are out lobbying on behalf of his behalf. Noam and Aviva Shalit have been meeting with cabinet ministers, seeking to enlist their support for a deal which does not yet exist, but by all accounts, will demand an extremely high price for the soldier’s release.

On Wednesday, the Shalit’s will be meeting with a number of ministers, including Finance Minister Dr. Yuval Shteinitz and Minister Dr. Uzi Landau, both counted among those opposed to the release of Arab murderers. The Shalits will try to enlist their support for a deal as well.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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