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Court Backs Meah Shearim Mom in Latest Round in Court

ywnisrael3.jpgThe Jerusalem District Court did not accept state claims that the Meah Shearim mom defied the conditions of her release by violating restrictions against her. Justice Moshe Ravid denied a request to revoke bail and order the mom taken into custody.

The state also cited that the mother defied the state by sending three children to London, as was reported by YWN-Israel. The court however was unmoved, since there was no ban on her family traveling out of the country. The defense added that prior to their departure to family abroad, state social workers were notified and they understand the trip was for the children’s benefit, seeking to remove them from the eye of the storm, as well as to provide the mother a rest after giving birth to a son last week.

The state also tried to tell the court that mom failed to properly have the children monitored with medical and welfare services officials, as per the court restrictions, adding she was not escorted by a state representative during her own physical exam. The court ruled that mom was not compelled to have someone present while examined by a doctor, since as a patient, she too has rights and there is no reason to compel her to be accompanied during such a process. As for the children, the court rejected allegations that the mother failed to live up to her responsibilities regarding their periodic medical exams and other procedures intended to evaluate the other children in the home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Aliza, you may have a point, but neither of us is sure of the facts in this case. what will you say if, chas v’sholom, the courts exonerate the mother and vindicate TA’s approach?

  2. Justice delayed is justice denied. Why dont they get this over with one way or the other? Either the mom needs rehabilitation or she is being harassed.

  3. Israeli (#9) obviously has no belief in the “Yad Hashem.” Nevertheless Chareidim do believe in it. It helped during other times of persecution, and it is seen Bzman Hazeh as well.

  4. The Justice Ministry is, obviously, staffed by anti-semitic leftists. They would love to put all hareidim in jail, if they could.

    (See the next story on YWN–Rabbonim to jail, if they refuse to knuckle under to leberalized Giyur.)

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