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Sunday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Hundred of court stenographers protested against the treasury on Sunday demanding a wage increase and a comprehensive employment benefit package.

**Sunday afternoon rock-throwing attacks between Tapuach Junction and Migdalim.

**Addressing the International Day to Prevent Violence Against Women, the prime minister stated there must be “zero tolerance” for such acts, calling them “internal terrorism”.

**The B’tselem human rights organization is marking 20 years since it was established, releasing a report which states during that time period, Israel has killed 7,938 Arabs, residents of Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza. The report does not address victims of Arab terror, fallen soldiers or members of the nation’s security forces during the same time period.

**15,000 Clalit Kupat Clalit administrative and maintenance employees are staging work sanctions on Sunday throughout the country over wage and benefit disputes. Clalit is the nation’s largest healthcare provider.

**Marking the first yahrzeit of the Mumbai terror attack, a yizchor will take place at the Har HaZeisim kever of one of the Kedoshim, Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Teitlebaum HY”D, the son of the Volover Rebbe Shlita, Rabbi Nachum Ephraim Teitlebaum, who will be in attendance along with his mechutan, the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe Shlita.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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