Tragedy Averted at Yerushalayim Vishnitz Talmud Torah

vc.jpgA van transporting children came dangerously close to backing too far off the street and falling into the playground area of the Vishnitz Talmud Torah in the Shichun Chabad neighborhood of the city.

It appears the driver mistakenly hit the gas instead of the brake as he backed up his van about noon on erev shabbos, preparing to bring children home.

There were children in the yard at the time. Baruch Hashem, the van came to a sudden halt and did not plummet down into the playground area of the talmud torah.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. As I have said before, and I will say it again: these school bus drivers are the closest thing to Hamas terrorists walking (worse, DRIVING) freely around Jerusalem.

  2. well i agree with daniel and i would never put my kids on a has’aa van to school BEFORE speaking to and observing the driving habits of a driver for a few weeks.

    i disagree with calling yidden terrorists but will instead blame the DMV system here for putting potential drivers through VERY VERY hard tests to pass, but once they become drivers, not enforcing simple right of way, correct passing, signaling lane changes, yielding to pedestrians, of motorists while the motorists break these laws while the police are driving next to them. Also after undergoing such hard tests, a driver feels like he is ‘king of the road’ when the oposite is true for he lacks experience on the road so i think the tests should be made easier (and cheaper! it costs about !4000! NIS) The only time i see a cop stopping a motorist is when the TRAFFIC POLICE hide and trap people. The result is that motorists know they are free to do as they dont see any TRAFFIC POLICE hiding somewhere. REGULAR POLICE do not appear to have the authority to stop motorists (correct me if i am wrong please) and the traffic police are few and as i said have never seen them stop someone while they themselves were driving. Also there is no fear of the police here and motorists freely argue with a cop once stopped,(unlike in the states where you can get a ticket for that alone!)

    Also many peds here have no licence and know not what it feels like to have a ped jump in front of your car and thats why its so common (limud zechus there)

    not saying kitrug on eretz or am yisrael here and i dont miss the states, but here the lives of our children are at stake as daniel said.

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