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Peres Off to Egypt: Shalit on the Agenda

peres2.jpgPresident Shimon Peres on Sunday travels to Egypt to meet with President Hosni Mubarak. While details are not being released, sources in Jerusalem are confirming that Mr. Peres will be discussing ongoing negotiations towards obtaining the release of Gilad Shalit.

On erev shabbos, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visited the President’s Residence, to update the president on ongoing efforts towards an agreement. While monthly meetings between the two are common, to keep the president in the loop, officials stated the timing of this meeting was specifically ahead of Mr. Peres meeting in Cairo on Sunday.  The meeting follows weekend statements to the press by Mubarak blaming Israel for stalled diplomatic talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Monday’s expected visit of German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle is viewed by many as more than a routine state visit, with Germany playing a negotiating role in talks with Hamas towards obtaining Shalit’s release. The visit some hope is a sign that Arab media reports of Shalit’s imminent release are true, but to date, there has been no official Israeli confirmation that Shalit is being turned over to Egypt this week as a deal has actually be closed.

The visit of Westerwelle follows a regional visit from French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, who was somewhat optimistic in his statements regarding the release of Shalit, who also hold French citizenship.

The London-based al-Hayat Arab publication in its weekend report stated a deal between Israel and Hamas is about to be closed, but to date, the Arab media reports have proven to be little other than misinformation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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