Mazel Tov to Meah Shearim Mom – It’s a Boy!

ywnisrael2.jpgThe controversial Meah Shearim mom gave birth to a son last week. It has been learned that the state will this week continue pressing for changing the terms of the mother’s release, seeking to have her placed in incarceration again, pointing out that she yet to forfeit her passport in compliance with the court’s demands.

Three of the children were sent to London last week, to family, reportedly to remove them from the heart of the storm and to permit the mother to rest a bit following the birth of the family’s son.

This fact most likely irritates the prosecution, who has been seeking to have social workers and other officials question the other siblings, a move that has now been significantly complicated since they are out of the country.

It should be pointed out that no law was broken by sending the children abroad to family, but the state is seeking to portray the action as something underhanded.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. “Three of the children were sent to London last week” because they were almost becoming insane from the tortures they went through from the vicious Social Workers. They were forced to go to the doctor three times a week to check if the mother didn’t “starve” them or “abuse” them. The Social Worker witches always went along. These witches drove them nuts with their daily questions “Did your mother give you breakfast? Did your mother this…? Did your mother that…?”

    “This fact most likely irritates the prosecution, who has been seeking to have social workers and other officials question the other siblings, a move that has now been significantly complicated since they are out of the country.”
    Boy are they fuming!!! How will they be able to accuse the mother of starving her children or abusing them if they will not be checked by the doctor 3 times a week? The family and friends of the family and all those involved are having a court case about this matter this coming week.


  2. I hope the mother baby and other kids get to move there. her mother in law will take good care of them and she can rebuild her warm yiddishe heim. away from the zionist reshoim.

  3. Considering how little the state has had here … almost nothing has stood up under court scrutiny … and the family has been harassed (at least) for 4 months or more … they should dismiss this whole thing. The kids, the parents … give them a chance to heal together and try to become a normal family again. On the other hand think of this family’s reward in shomayim. All this suffering because a mayor and his regime wanted nekama against a segment of their community; a segment that stands for the same values over centuries (Shabbos, tznius, etc.). I wish we could close the book on this shameful chapter in our family history.

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