Thousands Attend Kfar Chabad Mumbai Yahrzeit Wednesday Night

moshe2.jpgThousands of Chabad chassidim and supporters were on hand in Kfar Chabad on Wednesday night, near the 770 building, to mark the first yahrzeit of the Mumbai massacre terrorist attack in which over 170 people were murdered, including the Chabad shluchim to Mumbai, Rabbi Gavriel and Rebbitzin Rivki Holtzberg HY”D. Earlier in the day, many visited their kevarim in Jerusalem’s Har HaZeisim Cemetery to mark the event.

Overseeing the Kfar Chabad event was the head of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Aaronoff. For many Chabad shluchim, it was the culmination of their past week, taking part in the International Shluchim Convention in Crown Heights, and then heading to Eretz Yisrael to attend the memorial for their fallen colleague, who by all accounts, carried out his mission of kiruv with mesirus nefesh, opening the doors of the Mumbai Chabad house to Jews of all walks of life.

In addition to the speakers and moving words heard during the Chabad event, a prominent happing was the upsheirin of the survivor of the attack and lone survivor of the Holtzberg family, Moishe, who has become a symbol of perseverance and hope for Am Yisrael, not only the Chabad community. Also on hand was Avraham Fried, who delivered a moving performance with his song, written to mark the event.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. The parents of Sandra, must have instilled in her beautiful values, to love and worry, and care about every human being and child; Regardless of his nationality, family, or ethnicity.

    This is a great lesson for us. We should be mechanech our children to care and worry, about the well-being of Yidden and Non-Yidden.

    Every Yeshiva Bochur, and BY Meidel, should know that Hashem loves every single one of his creations, grown-ups and children, whom He is constantly creating.

    If they need more Chizzuk, they can learn again the Haftoroh of Yonnah.

  2. I davened in a Chabad shul this past Shabbos, and I was half expecting them to say Av Harachamim even though it was Shabbos Mevorchim. (They didn’t. Did anyone?)

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