Dismiss Rabbis Who Do Not Accept IDF Giyur

MK (Yisrael Beitenu) Lia Shemtov is calling to oust rabbonim who do not recognize conversions to Judaism performed in the IDF. Shemtov serves as the chairman of the Knesset Aliyah Committee.

“Not recognizing conversions from the IDF is a ticking time bomb that in time will explode in our faces” she stated. She cited the case of former immigrants living in Ashkelon, explaining the Rabbanut in the city will not open a marriage file for them since the woman underwent conversion in the IDF and the city’s rabbinate does not recognize the giyur.

The Knesset Aliyah Committee called on the Chief Rabbinate to dismiss the rabbi who would not recognize the conversion, calling for charges to be filed against him, a civil service employee. MK (Meretz) Nitzan Horowitz stated the situation is absurd and one cannot tolerate a rabbi who is a state-salaried employee not accepting a state conversion. “These rabbis must step down or be thrown out” he stated.

The legal advisor for the Chief Rabbinate, Shimon Ulman expressed his outrage over the treatment of such converts, stating the current situation must not be permitted to continue.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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