Modi’in Illit Rabbonim Want Internet Out of Homes

sin.jpgAccording to a Kikar Shabbos report, rabbonim in Modi’in Illit have learned that thousands of homes in the community are connected to regular [non-kosher] internet as is the case in other chareidi municipalities as well.

The rabbonim have convened in an urgent meeting, and they plan an emergency kenos next week to address the alarming reality and to discuss what steps should be taken by the rabbonim and the beis din of the community to oust this threat the homes.

It appears the rabbonim will be permitting ‘kosher internet’ for homes requiring connectivity to earn a livelihood. Other homes will be expected to disconnect immediately and unconditionally.

in.jpg[Click on image to ENLARGE] In the city’s main shul, during Yom Kippur Katan tefillos this erev rosh chodesh, a voice of the rabbonim was already heard, calling to remove the internet from homes. The rabbonim spoke of recent tragedies that have befallen the community, a factor that contributes to their determination to remove the internet from the community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. How interesting that I’m learning about this on the internet. Of course, I don’t live in Modi’in Illit, so I’m probably okay.

  2. “rabbonim … have learned that thousands of homes in the community are connected to … [the] internet”
    Surprise, surprise! Of course people are going to connect to the internet. The world is moving forward technologically, and people can afford to be left behind. Its time the rabbonim wake up and smell the coffee – the internet needn’t be an entertainment tool – its function are just as primarily a productivity tool. While the risks are inherit, and filtered internet access is not a bad thing, a clean-out ban on the internet has failed miserably, and will continue to fail. Time to stop beating a dead horse!

    On second though, the rabbnim dont need to relies anything. Heck, they dont even know what the internet is. Its the “ASKONIM” that need to learn…

  3. what if you do not need it for livelyhood but have a kosher filter.? are the people in the town really all going to disconnect? what will probably happen is whoever does not disconnect from the use of the internet, their children will be told to find another school.

  4. Maybe they should look the sources or the roots of the tragedies.

    Ben Odom L’Chavero and correcting ones qualities, middos. I believe that is expected more from bnai torah vs plain people.

  5. “Ben Odom L’Chavero and correcting ones qualities, middos. I believe that is expected more from bnai torah vs plain people. ” -Comment by bugnot
    Actually, as far as God is concerned, there is no such thing as ‘bnai torah vs plain people’. The 613 mitzvos apply to everyone – equally.

  6. Actually, as far as God is concerned, there is no such thing as ‘bnai torah vs plain people’. The 613 mitzvos apply to everyone – equally.

    Comment by 55i — November 19, 2009 @ 9:08 am

    Then look on the story of Rav, that althought for a normal person not to pay the butcher right away was okay, but for Rav doing so was Chilul Hashem as Rav was a person that dedicated himself to learning.

    A talmid chochom is expected to go always clean, no so others.

    An Am Haaretz, we can suspect to touch impurities no so a non Am Haaretz.

    The wife of a Chover is like him not the wife of Am Haaretz.

  7. #7, Of course more is expected of everyone, individually, depending on their madrega. Expectations of a talmid chochom SHOULD be greater, as should their conduct. And before a person beomes a Talmid Chochom, is he any less of a person? Is it not expected or hoped for that one becomes a Talmid Chochom? Your points do not nullify the comment made by 55i. I cannot see any up side to creating an “elitist” distinction among Jews. Remember, NO Jew is exempt from being expected to participate in Yom Kippur.

  8. I live in Modiin Illit and I find many of these comments quite offensive. Please do not judge something that you have no first-hand knowledge of. There is no community in the world (besides Gateshead, perhaps) that is more inclined to listen to its Rabbonim than Kiryat Sefer. We didn’t have mayoral elections in 2008 because the Gedolei HaDor said that the current mayor was most fit for the job, so the other candidates dropped out of the race. That’s right- dropped out. A few weeks ago, after the shiva for the bochur Shmuel Rothschild, z”l, Rav Meir Kessler shlita, the Mara D’Asra, declared at an asifah that we need to strengthen our learning on Shabbos (I’m not going to go into the reasoning why he chose specifically this) and since then hundreds of avreichim have filled the batei midrash on Friday nights in my neighborhood alone. There are no “askonim” here. Rav Kessler is extremely with it and on top of things and he is very well aware of exactly what goes on in the city. Under him are Rabbonim of each neighborhood and of each kehilla. Overall, the Rabbonim are well apprised of the happenings in the community. Rav Kessler said at the levaya of Rav Zalman Yehuda Fishman, zt”l, exactly where he got recent information about internet use in the city and stated that he is personally aware of numerous problems that have occurred as a result. Koshernet is only a partial answer. Bitul z’man is also a major issue. Yes, b’nei Torah do have to be concerned over bitul Torah.
    As far as bein odom l’chaveiro is concerned, I have lived in Long Island, Queens, Yerushalayim and Kiryat Sefer, and I can honestly say that the overall feeling of achdus and shalom here is especially tangible. I can’t say that improvement in this area is not what Hashem wants from us in particular right now, but certainly someone from the outside is not fit to determine this. That’s why we have Rabbonim. Dan l’kaf z’chus is also part of bein odom l’chaveiro. Thank you.
    (btw, we have internet because my wife needs it for work, but even I don’t know the password, and we are going to get koshernet as well, b”n)

  9. I don’t understand of course it is VERY important to cut down usage of non-kosher internet, everyone listened, about changing to kosher phones.
    There is a thing called Emunas Chachomim, they said if you need internet it has to be approved.

    After so many tradegies in Kiryat Sefer R’L, only recently this week, the tragic death of a women after giving birth, the husband spoke about how making shalom was so important to her, he said lets see achdus, real achdus, Ahavas Yisroel, so many tradegies, this is the Jews tikun before the re-building of the third Beis Hamikdash.

  10. “and I can honestly say that the overall feeling of achdus and shalom here is especially tangible”
    Comment by torahyidks — November 19, 2009 @ 3:18 pm

    I have lived in kiryat sefer for over 13 years please explain your words, more clearly, people that have to change their name to get their kids into yeshiva….. etc. i would like to hear

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