Obama’s New Cause: Stop the Jews from Building in Yerushalayim

obb.jpgIt would appear that US President Barak Obama has forgotten that while Israel and the United States enjoy a special relationship, and Israel has come to rely on America as its main ally, Israel is not a satellite government of the United States, not a state in the union, and not a puppet government that receives dictate from the White House.

In an interview on Fox News on Wednesday, US President Barak Obama used the opportunity to condemn the planned construction of badly-needed housing in the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo, of course continuing to ignore the fact that Israel regards Gilo as part of the capital, referring to the “settlement construction”.

“The situation in the Middle East is very difficult and I’ve said repeatedly and I’ll say again – Israel’s security is a vital national interest of the United States and we will make sure they are secure.

“I think additional settlement building does not contribute to Israel’s security. I think it makes it harder to make peace with her neighbors. I think it could embitter the Palestinians in a way that could end up being very dangerous,” the president stated, simply unwilling to accept that Gilo has long become a part of the capital despite America’s refusal to accept this simple reality.

In fact, America will not even permit printing “Israel” on an American passport or birth certificate of an American citizen born in Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital, not wishing to offend the Arab sensibilities, therefore writing “Jerusalem” as the place of birth, ignoring the fact the hospital is part of the sovereign State of Israel. To most, this and other nuances are minor, but they are indeed representative of American foreign policy, one that may advance Washington’s interests but definitely not Israel’s.

Sadly, Israeli governments continue to back down, unwilling to make a major issue of the fact that American presidents continue to temporarily veto the move to bring the American Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, once again, for fear of offending the Arabs.

It appears the White House has grown accustomed to offending the Jews and the Jewish State, despite its being a staunch ally, but this is preferable to offending the Muslim population, which is rapidly become a backbone of this American administration’s support base, dwindling as it may be according to recent popularity polls in the US.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

18 Responses

  1. He knows that Jews are so stupid that they’ll vote for anyone on the democrat party line,and so he goes after the Moslem voter who will only vote for someone who is anti Israel

  2. We are the ones considering it a setellment! Why make big announcements when you build? Have ever once heard about a building in Tel Aviv?!

  3. Actually, it is most of the world that feels that way. Note how almost all countries refuse to recognize any part of Jerusalem as being Israeli sovereign territory which is why they all put their embassies in Tel Aviv (a policy supported by all presidents including the Republican ones).

  4. Can someone tell me if I am wrong on this? How did the U.S. and many other countries in the world come to be? They were attacked, went to war & won! Let the U.S. give back some territory first!!! The “Palesinian” arabs have had over 40 years to find a place to live. Yet, they stay in shacks and trailers in this ongoing publicity stunt. Just ludicrous.

  5. Obama, like every other sonay Yisrael will have his “15 minutes of fame” and then pass from the world stage just like all the others throughout history. The nation of Israel is dependent ONLY on our faith in HKB”H, not american $$$, not the E.U.’s good will, not the haskama of the UN. When we realize she’ayn lanu al mi le’hee’sha’eyn ela al Avinu she’ba’shamayim, we will have no problems, even being the lamb amidst 70 wolves. If we do NOT realize that, no alliance with any foreign powers will help us.

  6. #6 – It is true that all presidents I think since Reagen have exercised the waver to move the embassy of the united states to Jerusalem. The difference is that Reagen & Bush JR really wanted to move it – they just figured its not worth the political capital they will burn with the world. How would we all feel if 10,000 people die in a terrorist attack because some Jihadist had another excuse.

    Obama however is a real liberal secularist. He would not want to move it Besheeta even if not for the world shraying chai vekayum – get it?

  7. #1, being that quite a bit of American tax money is JEWISH, it is fair to say that THEY don’t have an issue with THEIR tax money being used for Israel.. especially since a whole ton of their tax money is being used for public school tuition which they don’t get to make use of!

  8. akuperma, can you post ANYTHING without pointing at the republicans???? enough! we know you worship at the altar of Obama and his socialist friends. enough!

  9. #16 —
    1. I am a Republican.

    2. The fact is that every president, regardless of party, has failed to recognize Israeli sovereignity over any part of Jerusalem. While the US needed Israel as a potential ally in a WWIII with the USSR, since 1989 supporting Israel has no longer been in America’s interests–and both parties know it.

    3. If the Israelis had chutzpah, they should make formal recognition of the pre-1967 border, including moving all embassies to Jerusalem, a precondition for further negotiations, leaving only disposition of post-1967 territories as negotiable (then if the Israelis really have chutzpah they should demand reparations for past restrictions on Jews living in Jerusalem, and argue that the EU is the sucessor state with liability for claims against the Romans and the Crusaders).

  10. #17- but if there were a choice of putting a non jewish kids through school or supporting israel you can make a bet that the money would go there not towards something that they have NO benefit from.

  11. YWN, as long as we are in Gulos please stop attacking our goverment. Don’t forget we are in exile, and so we can’t say everything.

  12. Get out of office Obama. Get jobs for Americans or get a new job yourself. You are not in office to help calm the savage palestinians, because you are so naive that you take them at face value or tolerate or empathize with their cries for pity. Also, dont tell another sovereign country what to do, especially if they are America’s greatest and most cooperative ally.

  13. a baby born in Shaarei Tzedek – in bayit v’gan – part of Israel since 1948 is also not considered born in Israel but has Jerusalem on his passport as well.

  14. frielach – the American Golus encourages dissent and criticism even harsh criticsm of the governmernt go take a civics class, or you can go back to living in the shtetls.

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