MK Ariel: Please, Declare PA Statehood

Taking a different approach from Israel’s leaders, opposition party MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Uri Ariel on Tuesday called on PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to please, go ahead and unilaterally declare Palestinian statehood, a move that would finally show the world the colossal failures surrounding the 1993 Oslo Agreement.

While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and other cabinet ministers have politely warned Abu Mazen not to take such a bold step, which they explain could have dire consequences, Ariel feels that the opposite is true, that a unilateral PA declaration of statehood would show the world the hypocrisy of Oslo, the bloodshed that it has brought to Eretz Yisrael, and exactly just who Israel’s ‘peace partners’ are.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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