Erekat Seeks to Back Out of Failed Trial Balloon Politics

Dr. Saeb Erekat, who has been a major figure in diplomatic process between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) since the signing of the Oslo Agreement in Sept 1993, a former close confident to arch terrorist Yasser Arafat as well, is now explaining that the PA never intended to unilaterally declare statehood as Israel alleges. He is now blaming Israel for misrepresenting the PA to the European Union, seeking to gain additional points in the latest round of diplomatic warfare.

A short time ago, Erekat and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) announced that in light of the breakdown of the diplomatic process between Israel and the PA, accompanied with Israel’s refusal to comply with demands to halt “settlement expansion”, the PA was prepared to seek approval from the United Nations Security Council for a unilateral declaration of statehood.

Now, with the realization that the USA and the EU will not support such a move, Erekat is seeking a dignified way down the ladder, explaining the PA was not planning such a move as Israel interpreted their statements, but rather the PA is seeking Security Council endorsement for the two-state solution along the pre-1967 borders.

Another recent major trial balloon was an announcement by Abu Mazen that he is not running for reelection in the PA’s general elections set for January 2010. In actuality, Abu Mazen is in tune with the polls and his rapidly declining support base, and prefers to bow out the statesman rather than be ousted by Hamas at the polls. He was hoping the brazen move to unilaterally declare statehood would pass, and thereby give him the credentials to reenter the presidential race and emerge a victor, enjoying unprecedented support, but his planned failed.

Now, Erekat is sent to save face, to explain Israel misunderstood, seeking to back down from what was perceived as an unwanted PA threat to the Western community. Erekat stressed the PA genuinely wants peace and the international community must force Israel’s hand, to compel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to halt “settlement construction” throughout Yehuda, Shomron and Yerushalayim. He accused Israel of trampling “Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem,” by ousting Arab landowners from their homes to create “new settlements”.

Sadly, a major support base for Erekat’s sentiments comes from the Israeli left, the secularists who do not believe Hashem has given us eastern Yerushalayim the same way he gave western Yerushalayim, as is the case regarding the liberated areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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