Bibi Misses a Step – The Media Has a Field Day

bibibo.jpgBaruch Hashem the news is relatively quiet in Eretz Yisrael blei ayin hara, permitting the media to fill prime newspaper real estate with photos of the now-famous near fall of none other than our prime minister, who lost his footing on Tuesday as he boarded a navy inflatable vessel, caught in the arms of a sailor who accompanied him.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was visiting the Haifa base of the Israel navy commandos, the Shayetet 13 commandos who recently apprehended the Francop weapons freighter as it headed to Syria laden with weapons and ammunition for terrorists. He also boarded the Eilat missile boat, which actually took part in apprehending the Francop.

The prime minister spoke with officers and members of the elite unit who took part in the successful mission.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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