Haaretz: State Funds Rabbis Who Endorse Killing Gentile Babies

haaretz.jpgNot missing the opportunity to bash the rabbonim, the daily Haaretz runs a story on Tuesday addressing state funding for yeshivas that endorse the killing of gentile babies.

Correspondent Akiva Eldar addresses the Yaakov Teitals and Yigal Amirs, seeking to understand from where do such people emerge in the world of Torah Judaism, stating that rabbis are quick to group the above mentioned and others in a “fringe element” outside the mainstream camp, adding “they acknowledge there are several lunatic rabbis” who incite violence.

Eldar continues to point out that some of these lunatic fringe rabbonim enjoy state funding, citing the Ohd Yosef Chai Yeshiva in Yitzhar, which was ousted from Kever Yosef in Shechem. He explains the rabbi of this yeshiva permits killing gentile babies if one knows they will grow up to stand against us, to harm us. The yeshiva he points out has received over NIS 1 million in 2006-2007 from various government agencies. Eldar refers to the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Yitzchak Shapira who recently published a sefer which details laws from the Rambam discussing when one is permitted to kill a non-Jew. The book state repeatedly that the content is only a halachic dissertation and in no way to be viewed as a handbook that is applicable today.

The witch hunt against the rabbonim is underway, launched during the annual Rabin Memorial Day ceremony period, with the arrest of Yaakov Teital.

Residents of Teital’s community of Shvut Rachel explain they knew this arrest was coming, for weeks before it occurred, but it was obvious the move was made to coincide with the annual right-wing bashing Rabin memorial events, when the left-wing for the past 14 years has used the period between the English and Hebrew calendar anniversaries to strike out against the right-wing, particularly the religious right.

The fires have been fueled and the secularists are doing their utmost to maximize the opportunity presented to them.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. “The book state repeatedly that the content is only a halachic dissertation and in no way to be viewed as a handbook that is applicable today”

    Yeah? So what’s the point of writing it? Where’s the sense of responsibility? What happens if some misguided bochur takes this sefer and acts on it?

    Would you accept the same argument from a Muslim who wrote a book about killing Jews and later claimed it was all in theory?

  2. Such thought and teaching is VERY dangerous and could lead to further violence against Jews by gentiles and possibly lead to the resurgance of groups such as the Third Reich and other facist organizations. Rather scary. Very Scary issue!!!

  3. “…the content is only a halachic dissertation and in no way to be viewed as a handbook that is applicable today””

    How would any of you react to an “only academic” treatise on how it is permissible to kill Jews?

    Someone educate me; exactly who are these people who publish such a thing? What is the mesorah for it?

  4. It’s called Torah. Most of Shas is not halocho lema’aseh every day, but it’s Torah, Hashem’s chochmah, and it’s a mitzvah to study it. And even things that are not practical every day need to be known, lest amei ho’oretz like some commenters here grow up thinking that these things are against Jewish values.

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