Heavy Fine for Illegally Parking in a Handicapped Spot

Legislators are moving ahead to pass a bill that will result in an extremely heavy fine for motorists who park in parking spots designated for disabled motorists.

The Ministerial Legislative Committee on Sunday approved a bill sponsored by MK Zevulun Orlev, that the fine for parking in a handicapped spot will carry a NIS 5,000 fine, over a month’s salary for many average wage-earning workers.

If passed into law, different signs would be installed to designate the areas, and cars will also be towed and owners fined for the cost of the towing.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Great proposal.

    Now please do the same for bus stops. I go crazy from the cars and taxis stopping/parking at bus stops, thereby forcing the buses to stop in the middle of the road and block all traffic. This happens very often at the City Entrance (Knisa LaIr) of Jerusalem in the to-Jerusalem direction, at the place where you get off from buses like 400/402/417 etc. These drivers cause a lot of traffic chaos, and they simply park at yellow-red marked areas, and everyone knows you are NOT allowed to park there.

    There should also be a 10,000 shekel fine for driving around with broken car lights, or not turning them on. There are SO MANY cars in Israel driving with one or multiple broken lights. I always tell the drivers about it when I can: many people simply neglect to ever check the lights (especially rear) and drive around with broken lights for months out of ignorance. Many of them say “thank you, I’ll get it fixed right away” – sometimes, one says “who are you, the police?”. Idiots…

  2. #2-Why only a 10,000 shekel fine how about flogging and a year in prison (solitary confinement)then people will really get the message not to park where they’re not supposed to!!?? Sorry for the sarcasm but you’re comment is as ridiculous as the proposal.

    We’d also like to stop people from spitting gum or throwing cigarette butts in the street or jaywalkers who cause many of the traffic problems. Should we also give them a 10,000 shekel fine??

    Sorry but punishment must fit the crime.

    A better idea would be, the 2nd or 3rd ticket for the same offense within a specific period of time (to be determined) can carry a very high fine. This will deter the repeat offenders without torturing the one timers.

  3. #3 – The punishment must fit the crime?

    These people cause dangerous situations, cause unnecessary harm and delays to *hundreds* of other people – all while breaking the law, just for their own benefit, due to their own laziness or arrogance.

    I see no need to be soft with such people.

    I myself never break such rules, and never would, since properly seen these kinds of things are aveiros beim odom lechaveiro, they show that someone has very bad middos.

    He is being arrogant, lazy, impatient, egoistic, and all of this right out in public befarhesia where everyone can see it.

  4. Although the idea is right, there is a lot of monkey business in the parking for handicapped. My neighbor told me she called the # in Jerusalem and told them to take down the handicapped sign in front of her building because the so called handicapped person SOLD his car almost a year ago. Calls to take down the sign went unheeded. The neigbors think he wants it there for his children to park. SO if someone parks there, will they get a ticket??? maybe someone could help.?

  5. I definitely agree with #5 also. Regular checks should be held regarding who is entitled and who is not. I have also seen such cases.

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