Bibi Strikes Back – Threatens PA

bibis2.jpgWith senior PA (Palestinian Authority) officials continuing to signal they may unilaterally declare the State of Palestine, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is not waiting around for things to happen, but has issued a threat, telling the PA that if it take unilateral action, Israel will follow with its own unilateral action.

Speaking to officials at the Saban Forum in Jerusalem, the prime minister stated there is no substitute for both sides sitting down and the negotiating table and reaching an agreement.

When the PLO in 1988 unilaterally declared statehood, Likud Minister Limor Livnat called on Israel to retaliate, by annexing yishuvim in Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza. Today, Minister (Yisrael Beitenu) is calling for the same response.

Right-wing constituents of the prime minister view this as a sad reality, that possibly annexing Jewish communities in Biblical Israel may only be considered as a punitive reaction to unwanted PA moves, not as a legitimate move that should have been made decades ago, declaring communities such as Chevron, Beit El, and many more an integral part of the State of Israel.

Since the lands in question were liberated in the 1967 Six Day War, terms including “West Bank” [of the Jordan River], “Territories”, “Occupied territories” and other terms have been used, all to avoid announcing to the world that the liberated areas will become part of the state. Now, their very future existence is somewhat doubtful based on current political realities and talk of the establishment of Palestine.

Critics lament that the lessons of the 2005 Gaza expulsion were not learned.

The 6th Saban Forum running Sunday and Monday in both Ramallah and Israel simultaneously is a forum for senior diplomats and notable to address Israel, US, PA relations.

Senior Israeli officials taking part include the prime minister, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin, Bank of Israel Governor Prof. Stanley Fisher, chief of military intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin, and head of the opposition MK Tzipi Livni.

The Saban Center for Middle East Policy was founded in May 2002.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. If Bibi isn’t careful Israel will find itself as isolated as was South Africa in the 80s.

    That’s not an endorsement of any specific position . . . it’s a reflection of the concern that Israel acts as if betuchen v’ emunah is all that is necessary, and diplomacy, and maybe even hishtadlus, mean nothing – or, they are so stuck in their daled amos that they can’t see what’s around them.

    Israel will need to come up with meaningful, if “wrong” and painful compromises, or it is inevitable the more and more of the world will abandon the two-state concept and get behind proposals for a one-state “democratic” Israel, which if carried out would be the death of Israel as a Jewish State. This situation calls for calculating pragmatism – and not either unyielding adherence to ideology or blind reliance on a nais.

    A dry analogy that comes to mind is the Air Traffic Controllers in the early 80s – their refusal to bargain with the government, their arrogant sticking to the hard line, led to the firing of all their members and the disolution of the union.

  2. Israel can do unilaterally what ever it wants but if the same international community that recognizes a Palestinian state does not recognize Israel’s actions it won’t be worth anything.

  3. All we have to do is read Yechezkiel and see wherethe events are heading. This should only strenthen our deeds and prepare ourselves.

  4. YonasonW, you are no expert in foreign affairs, just in pontificating. Israel is isolated. The problem is if Bibi is not going to back up the threat which unfortunately so often happens in Israel. Then he has backed the Israeli people into a corner.

    I say just keep on saying Tehillim. Israel will survive this and so will the Jewish people. I just wonder at what expense to it’s security.

  5. Hey Flatbush Bubby – I happen to have an MA in Political Science, with a concentration in foreign policy. But more importantly – and I mean more importantly – anyone who is a serious reader of international news and post WWII history would likely “pontificate” similarly – it’s no chidush . . .just common sense.

    Remember, In Parshas Vayishlah, when Yitzhak went out to meet Esav, the Torah taught us to do three things when faced with danger; davening is only one of those three. Softening the will of your enemy is the second – and preparing for conflict is the third. Saying Tehillim is necessary – but not sufficient alone.

  6. #3 Yonason W Israel should compromise again to terrorist AGAIN????. The last time was called Gaza/ Your a Political ignoramous with no understandsing of the Middle east. You are a N.K. we all know it. “give in for shalom puposes”. U nut,u know very well where that leads.

  7. Unfortunately what you describe as softening the enemy is instead pandering. Pandering has not gotten anyone anywhere. I am not advocating being confrontational. I am afraid of Yiddishe korbanos but no, I don’t believe Israel will be destroyed in the long run. I sincerely believe in the the Medrashim state; the Jewish people will survive. I just think that everyone has a right to express their opinion without being obliterated.

    But why you have to post your professional credentials online is beyond me. What do you think this is; discovery of all the evidence before trial? What do you think we are, a pack of defense attorneys?

  8. Wow, now wonder there is so much conflict in Israel. First of all Israel was a State created by the Super Powers that took away peoples homes and land. Simple fact is that the past owners are mad about it and want to wipe us off the face of the earth. So what do we do, fight, give in or what. Both sides have such deep feelings that all reason has been thrown to the wind and all tolerance is gone on both of our sides. I say give them their state, stop the settlements (this will help with world relations ) pay them off and move on. The saddest part to me is that Judie-ism and Islam are so closely woven together in their histories and now we are so far apart.

  9. torahyid1, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Although I don’t believe in unnecessarily provoking the Arabs, we have a historical connection to Israel going back over 3100 years ago. Our pandering to the Arabs have gotten us no where but more bloodshed.

    In addition, YonasonW has a tremendous amount of hubris. I am very glad that there is someone other than myself who sees him as an empty suit.

  10. Flatbush Bubby (#s 6 & 9). “YonasonW, you are no expert in foreign affairs, just in pontificating”… and then after I respond… “But why you have to post your professional credentials online is beyond me”

    Don’t throw darts and call names if you can’t deal with the repost stating my credentials.

    You and torahyid1 present no rational argumentation of any kind; you call names and preach charged ideological slogans. You know, Flatbush Bubby, though I disagree, I could argue the other side better than you do.

  11. The way I see it let them declare there state. Israel should respond by no more electric, food, sanitation,cement,weapons, etc that they keep sending.

    Let see how those bums can stand on there own 2 feet. Or hey maybe there Arab brothers might send them aid….

  12. Wow do you people always rip at each other. It seems to me that Israel has every right to do what ever it wants I agree with #5. The God of Abraham Issac and Jacob gave you this land over three thousand years ago. Its yours by his covenant and can never be broken. He brought you back to it and established you here. Have some faith in your own Torah and believe once agaion in your God. Who else ever left their country lost their language and got them both back. You are the dry dead bones that live are the nation that came about in a day. none is like you and non will ever be like you. Have faith…

  13. YonasonW, I don’t call names. You are the one that gets personal and very, very arrogant. Arrogance doesn’t win arguments but it has deceived Jews for thousands of years and caused the Jewish people inordinate amount of harm because of the feeling of righteousness that comes with the feeling of arrogance. From the Sedukim to the “new Open Orthodoxy”, Jews have cause the worse harm to other Jews. Just look at the harm caused by the people from “J” street.

    Do you think the people of “J” street are helping their fellow Jews? There have been numerous articles and editorials slamming the people from “J” street. They have no guidance from gedolim and don’t want it either.

    Do you have guidance from anyone Torah gadol concerning your point of view? The first sign of someone who is willing to submit to the eitzos of our gedolim is humility which YonasonW you lack tremendously from.

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