Police Suspect Chareidim in Intel Shul Incident

intel1.jpgAccording to a Yediot Achronot report on Monday, Intel officials in the Jerusalem Har Chotzvim facility were shocked on Sunday to find someone had entered the shul and threw siddurim and seforim on the ground. Windows were smashed and equipment was damaged. Officials are reporting they have photos to backup their allegations, suspecting chareidim as being responsible for the vandalism attack.

The shul is inside the Intel complex, and serves the many workers who opt to daven and learn during the course of their workday.

While the theory is difficult to understand, investigators believe that the some of the small number of fringe element youths, who identify with the chareidi community, confronted security guards during the shabbos protest managed to enter the building and threw the seforim on the ground. Police are indicating they have the identity of some of the vandals and arrests are expected soon.

Rabbi Yosef Rosenfeld of the Vaad L’maan Kedushas Shabbos told Kol Chai Radio on Monday afternoon that he does not believe those responsible are chareidim, stating with a measure of confidence that he does not believe chareidim would do such a thing, taking part in an attack against a shul. He added the Gavaad of the Eida Chareidis and other rabbonim have repeated over and over again that they oppose violence of any type and it is simply unacceptable. He repeated this call again during the interview, condemning violence in any form as part of a legitimate protest against chilul shabbos.

Other chareidi sources have told YWN-Israel they fear that opponents of the shabbos protest at Intel may be spreading this evil gossip to discredit the legitimate campaign to shut Intel’s doors on shabbos.

In a related matter, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat has announced his position, standing firmly in support of Intel, stating he supports the religious status quo, adding the hi-tech firm has been operating on shabbos in the capital since opening its doors over two decades ago.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. The zionists , and their media enablers, will go to all lengths in their lies seeking to defame and slander innocent Torah Jews.

  2. Barkat lives and breathes thanks to the Charedim that support him and keep his coalition together.

    Nevertheless he thinks the religious are just a bunch of suckers that he can throw a bone to every now and then while he tears down everything thing they love and hold dear.

    Boy does he have a lesson coming to him in the next elections…

  3. if the Eida are really against violence by this “fringe element” then next time they hold a demonstration let the 1500 responsible Chareidi adults pick up the dozen or so violent youth and physically eject them from the event.

    The whole reason for the hafganot seems to be that “if you don’t stand against chillul shabbos you support chillul shabbos”.

    that arguement cuts both ways…

    If you don’t take a stand against violent thugs then it means you support them.

  4. There will be those self-righteous people who will roll their eyes at the some of the comments here. “c’mon”, they will say, “newspapers don’t just lie. You’re just trying to cover up, etc etc”.

    Well, just an interesting fact for you: the Intel shul doesn’t HAVE windows. Leave it up to the Yediot to have pictures of the smashed ones…

  5. “The zionists , and their media enablers, will go to all lengths in their lies seeking to defame and slander innocent Torah Jews.” (Joseph)

    “This is a typical chiloni trick which they have pulled off many times (and caught) in order to blame chareidim.” (Shlepper)


  6. TO YWN;
    BTW #4 & #6 Very interesting points. Twoopposing views both compelling arguments.
    (As for everyone else, including #7; zzzzzz)

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