CORRECTION: Mumps, Not H1N1 in Yeshiva Ohr Shmuel in Yerushalayim

closed.jpgThe rosh yeshiva has decided to close Yeshiva Ohr Shmuel, located in Givat Shaul, Yerushalayim, a yeshiva for about 120 talmidim ages 13-17. The first case of mumps was detected about a month ago, then a second and a third, now numbering 15. Despite his step towards preventing the spread of the illness, most talmidim are back together, sitting in school, hopefully not passing the illness to one another.

Rabbonim were concerned as the illness began spreading between students, deciding to contact a physician, who advised them to close their doors for now, explaining if the boys spend shabbos together, they will all become contagious. Some of the parents were not pleased with the decision and have called on the school administration to reopen, explaining on Sunday, some of the parents telephoned to explain they are not concerned and therefore, they are sending their children back. It appears about two-thirds of the students returned.

Perhaps adding to the immediate health concerns are new worries which may impact shidduchim in the future, since in adults, the illness may result in infertility.

Health Ministry officials are involved, stating the situation in Ohr Shmuel is being monitored carefully, adding most of those who became infected were in contract with yeshiva students from Brooklyn during the Sukkos vacation, indicating the NYC boys were the source of the infection.

Health officials continue to stress that anyone who feels ill should remain at home and not come to school or the workplace.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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