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Thousands Attend Hafganah At Intel: Pindrus Shamed Away from Protest

11.JPGThousands of chareidim were on hand shabbos, taking part in the protest outside the Intel Building in the Har Chotzvim Hi-Tech Park in Yerushalayim.

To his shock, Deputy Mayor R’ Yitzchak Pindrus was booed away upon his arrival, compelled to leave in shame as he was blamed as part of the problem.

Estimates place the number of participants at over 2,000, most wearing talleisim as they headed from Kikar Shabbos to the hi-tech park following musaf. When Pindrus arrived, he quickly learned he was persona non-grata, with protest organizers the current city administration with giving Intel the necessary permits to begin operating on shabbos, blaming Pindrus and his colleagues, who sit in the very same government secular-led city government.

Pindrus told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on motzei shabbos that the report is simply untrue and a small number of people shouted at him, no more. He added the shabbos rally was a success, with a broad representation of the chareidi community attending. He told Army Radio that a very insignificant number of people expressed opposition to him and there “is no reason to blow things out of proportion”.

Pindrus added he hopes to meet with gedolei yisrael during the week to plot the course of this struggle, expressing his commitment to prevent increased chilul shabbos in the capital.

There was also a confrontation between protestors shouting “Shabbos” at members of the press, coming close to a physical confrontation.

Eida officials on motzei shabbos announced they will not permit the event to pass, the use of pepper spray by Intel security guards, who injured dozens of protestors, hitting them in their eyes. Police were not taking any chances, placing barricades along the route to prevent chilonim from confronting the pro-shabbos marchers. MK (Labor) Shelly Yacimovitz on erev shabbos called on secularists to march against the chareidim.

The event continued, albeit with the participation of only 200 protestors at Kikar Shabbos on shabbos afternoon. The event remained orderly.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

16 Responses

  1. Thousands of Yidden are becoming shommer Torah U’mitzvos every year thru Kiruv organizations.
    I havent heard of even one Jew becoming shommer Torah because the hafganahs over the past 50 years. So judge by yourselves why they still do it…

  2. to #1 the fact that others become balei teshuva or not is not the defining factor in all this.
    the rabbanim of the eida are legit poskim and they are das torah (all there may be different views that are all das torah).

    as far as for pindrus he really did a great thing by downplaying the shaming and by applaudding the the protest

  3. And how much additional chilul Shabbat are those who attended the hafganah responsible for? Let’s see . . . additional police needed, so they have to work . . . press and photographers working . . . additional security guards for Intel . . . yup, the hafganah sure cut down on chilul Shabbat!

  4. There is no sign that these demonstrations do a single thing to “protect Shabbat Kodesh”. Quite the contrary. Perhaps Joseph (#2) can explain how Shabbat Kodesh is protected by this behavior.

    As usual with demonstrations organized by the Eida Hareidit, the demonstration degenerated, with gravel being thrown, people attacked, and cars being damaged–all acts performed by Hareidim on Shabbat, and many caught on camera.

    In fact, because of bringing in police and reporters, these demonstrations caused more chilul Shabbat than Intel themselves. Congratulations.

    In addition to the obvious chilul Shabbat, it is a general chilul Hashem, coming at a time when Hareidim are demanding more subsidies since the “medina” is preventing them from work. Any nonHareidim seeing the footage form these demonstrations will not be asking themselves “hmm, these are just the people that I want to hire for my firm” or “yes, I certainly think that we should increase subsides for people like this”.

    If the goal of the demonstrators was to generate publicity, they accomplished it.

    If the goal of the demonstrations was to increase Kedushat Shabbat in Yerushalayim, they failed miserably.

    If the goal of the demonstrators was to increase Ahavat Yisrael or shmirat mitzvot, they failed miserably.

  5. What is the problem? How can yidden do such a thing? You want to drive home a point there are plenty of other ways besides Hafganot to proove what you believe is right. If you have an issue with something and you have the power to make a difference than make it in a way that will make you and the world proud of what you’ve done. This might have won a small battle (probably didn’t even do that) but it is definately losing the war. Our war is to unite all of Am Yisrael in light of all the adversity and hatred shown towards us. We are all unique and special, Hashem created each and everyone of us with a tafkid and if you see your job as being an advocate for the Jewish People then please remember that word: PEOPLE. We are all in this together. No one is there to stab you in the back (even if thats what you think) We are all here to fulfill something. Let us not forget our final destination and who we’ll have to answer to for all the needless pain we’ve caused to so many people. REMEMBER: כאיש אחד בלב אחד

  6. If Rav Pindrus himself downplayed it, why must you report it the way the chiloni press is reporting it, if you call yourselves Yeshiva World News you should be careful not to quote chiloni anti-semitic bias. Were you there, do you know that he was booed and not allowed in, and even if it is true I would have left out that detail (I am not saying to lie, just leave it out, the outside world thinks badly enough of us, they don’t need more fuel).

  7. the rabbonim of the edah are not legitimate poskim.

    they are stam hooligans.

    and just as the arab crazies are funded by petrodollars, these anarchists are funded by “kashrus” dollars. the whole thing is a sham, just slick PR.

    Remember! Amalek was able to morph into sheep. Making themselves look ‘frum’ ain’t no big deal either.

  8. This fails the sniff test. Living among a population mixed with hilonim, and within seeing distance of Har Hotzvim, I have somewhat of a finger on the pulse of the local ‘man in the street’. The net reality is that any demonstration by the “hareidi” distances them from the majority of society, and sullies the kovod hatorah that these folks claim to represent. The handlers of these ready to go mobs are aware of the hot-headed nature of these groups and apparently condone the less than civil behavior that marks nearly every hafgana. As such, they are not serving the agenda of Torah, but some other agenda, and therefore they are not legitimate “daas Torah”.

  9. #11, so Joseph, if one MUST protest, do you regularly demonstrate against Jewish-owned businesses being open on Shabbat in your town?

    Another question is, since Intel has run operations on Shabbat for quite some time, why are the demonstrations only now occurring. What has changed?

    Finally, may major point is not against the demonstrations themselves, as long as they remain within legal bounds. I think that they are counterproductive, but if someone wants to stand in a public area and yell “Shabbes!”, that should be their right.

    However, these demonstrations inevitably degenerate into violence and stone throwing by some of the Hareidim involved. In the past, this has led to serious injury. This is nothing other than a chilul Hashem as well as being mechalel Shabbat.

  10. I personally do not view life as a contest between datiim and chilonim, but perhaps Avreich Man can tell me how his views and actions stop the “chilonim from winning..”.

    How have any of these demonstrations ever led to a lessening of chilul shabbat?

    How has throwing stones led to a lessening of chilul Shabbat?

    How has breaking windshields led to Kedushat Shabbat?

  11. I know many good Yidden who are employed there. If these protests continue, they will probably lose their jobs. It won’t take much for Intel to close up shop and move out of Jerusalem.

    These hafganah idiots don’t realise that they are hurting other Yidden, and making more chillul Shabbos than before

  12. Shalom in Israel. Shalom al yisrael. They do know what they are doing, and they don’t care. Just as they do not care when when they close down the streets with burning garbage, inconveniencing thousands on a major bus route. Their actions serve narrow interests with no thought for the klal. Why people use their hashgochos and batei din is beyond me.

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