Pashkavilim: Eliezer Chen is the New Dreyfus

pash.jpgWhile most feel the alleged acts of Eliezer Chen are despicable, seeking to distance themselves from a man portraying himself as a rabbi, one who stands accused of abusing and torturing children, some feel the need to attack police and the system following his extradition from Brazil to face charges for his alleged crimes.

Some of the pashkavilim seen in Meah Shearim accuse the state of targeting Chen because he is a member of the chareidi community, accusing police of conducting a “Dreyfus affair against the chareidi community”, always seeking the “blood of the chareidi community”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. Eliezer Chen is a rasha, who has committed the most horrific crimes!! His name sends chills down my spine. There was a story several years ago about two children who landed up in the hospital, due to severe physical abuse that this evil man inflicted upon them, together with their mother. One of them is a vegetable today. This man should rot forever in Gehennom!!!

  2. These stupid people should be exposed. They are the cause of the problem, because their denial of such things makes it harder for the people to come out and report them before people get hurt beyond repair ( like the youngest child in this family who is now a vegetable thanks to chen).

  3. Mr Spirs

    Can you please define “pashkavilim” since you quote them & think that maybe there is “somebody”
    behind them whose opinion has to be reckoned with.

    I always thought that pashkavilim are garbage !!!

    Annonymous leaflets & posters by
    “M U D R A K E R S” !!

  4. Do you get it? most of these guys don’t really care if the Mom was abusive or not, or this Rabbi Chen, they just want to deny the state any authority, even in a maner of real abuse.

  5. That’s what trials are for. Chen will get a fair trial and the state has the burden of proof. BTW let’s not forget that Dreyfus was ultimately vindicated.

  6. IT seems that for every human tragedy and acts of despicable horror, there are lunatics who surface to defend the criminal and attack those who are charged with protecting all citizens…and then Yechiel Spira has what to write about.

  7. He was not well known, so there is less incentive to attack him. Remember the mother from Toldos Aharon was from a group well known for attacking the government. How would Chen’s background be a “payback” for something.

    P.S. to #7 – The civil rights you discuss are part of American law, not Israeli law. Israeli law is based on the law the Brits used in the Empire, which while not being totally arbitrary is probably closer to traditional German or Russian law than to modern English or American.

  8. It is Elior Chen, not Eliezer Chen!

    Anyone protecting him should have a police investigation against him, for fear of what he too could be doing to kids.

  9. Unfortunately this very sad attitude is indicative of certain more right wing sections of the Charedei world.

    They refuse to accept that there can be anything wrong in the frum world and every Charedi is a Tzaddik Yesod olam.

    Obviously, this is hiding oneself from the reality ( even though the vast majority of charedim are indeed tzadikim) and is causing so much hatred since whoever dares accuse a charedei of any wrong doing is by definition a Rosha Gamor.

    This naivety is a dangerous way to educate our kids

  10. these signs are $100 for enough to be put up all around yerushalayim!!!! you can write whatever you feel like even save the wales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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