Mofaz: The New Representative of the Political Left-Wing

It appears that MK (Kadima) Shaul Mofaz, who has been accused of begin void of any ideology other than setting his sights on taking over Kadima and becoming prime minister, is living up to this tainted reputation.

Mofaz, a former Likud minister, is now championing the establishment of the State of Palestine, announcing on Monday he is turning to legal experts outside of Israel to examine the legality of meeting with Hamas representatives towards advancing the establishment of the terrorist state.

Responding to an invitation for a meeting, Mofaz on Monday met with US Ambassador to Israel James Cunningham, presenting his master plan for PA statehood, a plan which he announced earlier in the week. According to Mofaz’s latest vision, the declaration of PA statehood must be expedited, within one year, and issues including the future status of Yerushalayim, final borders, refugees and security issues can be ironed out at a later date.

Usurping the government, Mofaz is set to travel to Washington next week where he will present his master plan to administration officials. He boldly announced that if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is unwilling to accept the plan, he will implement it when he becomes prime minister.

Ironically, Hamas officials hearing the reports responded, stating they are unwilling to meet with the Zionists, adding that Israel is good a talking but the organization seeks action – a sign of an end to the “occupation”.

Sadly, Israeli leaders since the 1993 signing of Oslo are in competition with one another, with each seeking his own unique formula of concessions that will result in a Palestinian state, perhaps each dreaming of his opportunity to join the list of Nobel Peace Prize recipients, even at the cost of compromising the safety and future of Eretz Yisrael.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. This is not news.
    Olmert, Mofaz, Peres, Barak, Livni, et al–
    ALL of them an embarrassment and a disgrace.
    How the people of Israel keep recycling these losers, these betrayers, these “what’s-in-it-for-me’s” is nothing short of mind-blowing.

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