Quartet Emissary Tony Blair on Peace with the PA

Following are comments made by Quarter Mideast emissary Tony Blair in a Tuesday morning Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) interview with host Razi Barkai.

GT: Do you perceive the resignation of Abu Mazen as serious because in Israel, it is perceived as a tactical move?

BLAIR: I do not know, but I think there is a huge amount of frustration – the delayed resumption of negotiations, the delay in declaring an independent state. I do believe that he genuinely wants peace, and he wants to resume negotiations. I remain hopeful and try to remain optimistic. If talks resume in the coming weeks, this may change the situation and well as his situation.

GT: Is Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s office generous?

BLAIR: The matter is not just about settlements, but the general atmosphere throughout the territories. The key is that nothing must change regarding the settlements towards enabling an agreement, but what is more important is creating circumstances on the ground where Palestinians are able to achieve great freedom of movement. This is what I am working on.

GT: Is it a problem that two separate entities represent the PA?

BLAIR: Yes, this is a serious problem indeed, but based on my travels throughout the Palestinian areas, I am confident that if serious and credible negotiations get underway, the majority of PA residents will stand behind them, and Hamas will lose support. It is a difficult situation but it can be overcome if we create a genuine momentum towards peace.

GT: Do you still have energy? There was a time you said you were fed up with the guys in the Mideast?

BLAIR: (Laughs) I love being in the area, in Jerusalem, for many reasons, emotional and political. I think it is worth the fight towards achieving peace which will change regional realities.

Today I am participating in a ceremony opening the new crossing in the Jenin area where the economy is growing and moving ahead. We must always look for seeds of hope in addition to the discontentment.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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