Assad Wants the Golan Heights at Any Price

Addressing an Islamic conference in Istanbul, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated Israel must return “the occupied Golan Heights” peacefully, and if this does not occur, “resistance” is the alternative path.

According the Syrian leader, resisting occupation is a “national duty” as well as a moral and legitimate right, insisting his words in no way contradict his true yearning for peace, which can be achieved by ending the occupation, beginning with the Golan.

Assad expressed criticism against Israeli policy regarding Har HaBayis, accusing Jerusalem of seeking to take over al-Aqsa, adding a measure of criticism against the international community’s soft policy concerning Israel, permitting Jerusalem to continue is unacceptable policies on the Mount and other areas. He added that the international community is not responding [as it should] as the Israelis continue to oust Arabs from their rightful Jerusalem homes, replaced by Jews, as the government seeks to Judaize Jerusalem.

Assad stated there is no doubt that Israel is working to bring the “Palestinians to despair” in the hope of driving them out entirely, towards creating a Jewish-only state.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Syria “occupied” the Golan before Israel took it from them in ’67. They have no claim on the land whatsoever. I certainly hope Netanyahu will not be stupid enough to unilaterally withdraw from the Golan as a good will gesture for peace with Syria. Assad doesn’t give a hoot about the “Palestinians” he has dreams of a “Greater Syria” which will include large portions of E”Y including Yerushalayim. Zol Ehr Gain In Dererd!!!

  2. The Golan is, without a doubt part of Biblically delineated Israel. Furthermore there are countless archeological finds that confirm Jewish life there from many centuries before assad was even on his evil father’s drawing board. Sooo… assad can say and want whatever, but atzat Hah-m hee takum.

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