Israel: Assisting Large Families to Find Housing

char1.jpgWhile there are a number of organization seeking to assist chareidi families to find housing solutions, the vaad assisting large families in Beit Shemesh Gimmel is said to be the most successful, the daily HaMevaser reports. Many of the organizations are working to find housing for young couples, but this organization, headed by R’ Yisrael Eichler, focuses on solutions for large families. As such, the vaad only deals with apartments that are three or more bedrooms.

The vaad actually has building plans for many housing units, showing them to prospective families, permitting changes ahead of construction, eliminating the need to file changes in the home’s Taba registry at a later date.

The Vaad is actively working in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel, explaining there are indeed attractive building projects that are affordable, housing units that will permit families living in difficult conditions in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem to relocate to 5 and 6 room (4 and 5 bedroom) housing units in the new community. Hundreds of families have responded to the first advertisement of housing availability.

Families interested in registering may contact 02-538-0681 (Jerusalem), 052-714-9071 (Beit Shemesh).

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. I think the problem is also the avreichim (including my relatives who live there) who have to marry off their children at enormous expenses to cover the cost of expensive apartments. I hope this will ease their plight as well!

  2. rabbi eichler proves once again what “real askanus” means! halvai there were more such REAL askanim.
    listen to his nightly radio program in israel on radio kol chai 93fm from 10 – 11 pm (or on the inter… you’ll hear what i mean.

    kol hakavod r’ yisroel! yirbu k’moscha b’yisrael.

  3. #3. there is a “michraz” (auction) as to who can build in whichever area in rb”sh. let all who want to put up their bid and see who will win. there is no point in allotting a third to secular or other groups if they lose the bid. the charedim have a specific lifestyle and as such they can’t just go live in any neighborhood. those who CAN’T STAND seeing the frum community expanding (b”h) try to make problems, and calling the frummer those making the chillul hashem is in itself a chillul hashem.

  4. Ramat Bet Shemesh is a perfect example of the “frummer” communities causing a chilul Hashem. The Hareidi community of RBS Bet encroaching on the MO Sheinfeld community (which was there long before any Hareidi presence) has caused a number of violent incidents–and all the violence was on the Hareidi side. They are the ones assaulting women (we are not talking about bikini-clad women here) and threatening long-time residents living across the street form them for having a TV in their house.

    They can’t “they can’t just go live in any neighborhood”? Fine. Then let them choose areas far away form others, in towns exclusive to Hareidim.

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