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Cops in Major Haifa Training Event Blew It – Arrested an Innocent Woman

mishtara1.jpgDuring last week’s major preparedness training event in Haifa, police blew it big time, arresting an innocent woman instead of apprehending the vehicle driven by the fleeing terrorist.

Last Tuesday’s training event was to permit a simulation of a mass-casualty disaster which addressed thousands of fatalities. The exercise included multiple simultaneous major terror attacks, with the epicenter being the Canion Haifa Shopping Center.

Two large trucks laden with explosives penetrated the area and the explosive devices were detonated, resulting in devastation. The second attack was timed to take place as the first-responders were addressing the victims of the first blast. Sub-scenarios included shooting and terrorists making off with an ambulance. Another scenario included one of the terrorists fleeing the area, leading to a police pursuit.

Police were instructed to look out for a Suzuki and with the assistance of a police chopper; the terrorist vehicle was detected in the Nachal I’ron (Wadi Ara) area. After a chase that would have done Hollywood proud, the suspect vehicle was compelled to stop but to the astonishment of police, the ‘terrorist’ was an innocent young lady who was in a state of shock, not in any way connected to the training event.

Police quickly realized the error, and apologized to the frightened motorist. They continued on their mission and soon thereafter located the terrorist vehicle, bringing the exercise to a successful end.

Police commanders report they training event is still being evaluated, adding an error such as the one described may occur during a real event as well and the situation appears to have been handled correctly, leading to the apprehension of the terrorist vehicle.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I agree with #1. There is nothing wrong with the police officer’s actions, in this case. Keep in mind that Wadi Ara is an Arab area (Umm el-Fahm etc). Thus, after a terror attack in Haifa, seeing a vehicle that exactly matches the description in Wadi Ara makes it very plausible that that would be the vehicle the terrorists are in. (Though if I were a terrorist, I’d switch cars as soon as I could – as soon as I’d shake off the police. I sure wouldn’t continue for 50 km in the same car.)

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