Arabs Attack Group Davening For Bostoner Rebbe

0.jpgA group of Bostoner chassidim led by Rav Mayer Horowitz, the Rav of the Bostoner Kehillah in Har Nof, went to Har HaZeisim on Thursday to daven for the well-being of the Rebbe Shlita, Levi Yitzchak ben Sara Sasha.

The Rav spoke with YWN-Israel, explaining one of the Rebbe’s grandsons accompanied the group, Rav Michel Horowitz from Highland Park.

As the chassidim made their way back from Har HaZeisim, at about 1:00pm, they were attacked by Arab youths on the main road, who pelted their vehicles with rocks. Rav Mayer explained that his window was smashed and he was covered with glass shards, but “I must bench gomel” he explained as he elaborated, that a large rock hit the windshield of the vehicle and bounced off, and even the rocks that broke the glass did not penetrate the car and there were no injuries.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. Why aren’t there police stationed on the Har Hazeisim, and along the way to it? Almost every Yerushalayimer Yid has ancestors buried there, and must go with an armed escort to visit the graves. We are not talking about an isolated road in the desert, but of Yerushalyim ihr hakoidesh. What would it take to have this much protection there?

    What the Bostoners encountered is what EVERYBODY encounters going to the Har hazeisim, and it’s a shame that there are no police to protect Yerushalyim. Do they have a “Shomrim” group in Yerushalyim?

  2. I think the Rav should start carrying a 9mm when he visits Har HaZeitim – then let the yishmaelim bentch gomel if they make it back home…

  3. #2, that is a great suggestion but who do you know would carry a gun from the Bostoner Rebbe’s family.

    Besides, a 9mm would not be enough. Try a M16…

    May the day come when Hashem makes the Arabs pay rock for rock and bomb for bomb. Amen!

  4. #1 Ben Melech is 100% correct. It is a boosha that a Jew should have to be afraid to walk ANYWHERE in Eretz Yisrael, but especially in our capitol. Why would any other nation recognize Yerushalayim as our capitol if Israel’s own “leaders” are not machsheev it enough to make sure that Yidden can walk safely to and in a chashuv Beit Almin like Har HaZeitim!?!

  5. Flatbush Bubby: You might be surprised. I can’t even count how many chareidi Yidden (beards, tzitzis out, etc.) I’ve seen with a pistol holstered under their black suit jacket!

  6. #3 Would you believe that the grandparents of the Bostoner Rebbe were the first settlers in Sharei Chesed, a fierce neighborhood in the 1920’s surrounded by hostile Arabs…
    This settlement (hilltop outpost) of Sharei Chesed was guarded nightly by the men of the frum kehilla with weapons.

  7. If it happens to every Jew that goes to Har Hazeisim, isn’t it putting yourself in sakono to go there, and therefore ossur?

  8. #11 But what do you do if your parents are buried there?

    #9, The father of the Gaon Reb Yisroel Yankev Fisher was one of those guarding Shaarei Chesed or a different row of houses. He was an Austrian-Hungarian soldier in WWII and was on guard with a rifle in his lap.

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