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It’s All About Timing

bibi111.jpgPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated on Wednesday that it is “absurd” that the United Nations is discussing the Goldstone Report [in the General Assembly] on the very same day that naval commandos apprehended the weapons freighter bringing hundreds of tons of weapons and ammunition to Hizbullah.

Mr. Netanyahu stressed the “absurdity” of the situation, that Iran furnishes weapons to the “hornet’s nest” on the one hand, and the United Nations uses the Goldstone Report to condemn Israel on the other.

Senior defense establishment officials praised the military intelligence network and the naval commandos, who were indeed graced with siyata d’shmaiya, apprehending the missiles, grenades, weapons and ammunition before they fell into the hands of Israel’s enemies.

The same holds true in Gaza, which this week successfully tested its latest Iranian-made rocket, with a range of 60 kilometers, capable of striking Ben-Gurion International Airport.

Israel Radio reported on Thursday morning that Hizbullah has released statements denying the weapons freighter was intended for the terror organization.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Mr. Prime Minister, is anything absurd to Jew haters? Isn’t the Arabs blaming their desire to kill Jews on the Jews themselves absurd? Doesn’t anyone know the facts on the ground? Does anyone care anymore?

    You said it great Mr. Prime Minister at the U.N.,”Have you no conscience, have you no shame?”

  2. The Arab leaders are very busy becoming rich at the expense of their people. While the average Arab lives in absolute poverty, the leaders are busy funneling all the oil money/aid money into their mansions, gold plated limousines and all that through massive corruption. Corruption is the biggest enemy of a good economy.

    Therefore, it is in the best interests of the Arab leaders to:

    1. Keep stirring up this hatred among their people.
    2. Publicly condemm Israel at every opportunity and blame everything on Israel.
    3. Encourage terrorism.
    4. …Never totally destroy Israel for then they would lose this wonderful decoy.

    Shomer Yisroel Shmor She’eris Yisrael…

  3. The whole purpose and function of the UN is to prevent the nations from excusing themselves for their sins in hating Am Yisrael. They are inadvertantly uniting and all their remarks and actions are officially recorded for posterity. So when Mashiach comes and they are condemned they won’t have an argument.

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