Secretary Clinton Comes Clean, Revealing Her True Colors

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday stressed that while the United States does not accept the “legitimacy”  of “settlement activity”, she is confident that jumpstarting diplomatic talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) is the quickest way to resolve the issue, namely the implementation of a construction freeze, in line with demands from President Barak Obama.

The senior US official made her statement following a meeting in Egypt with President Hosni Mubarak, stating “We do not accept the legitimacy of settlement activity and we have a very firm belief that ending all settlement activity, current and future would be preferable.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Nuch amul with “jumpstarting”!
    Don’t they get tired of “jumpstarting” the (non-existent) “peace-process” every month or two?!?

  2. Why don’t they start by demanding and end to rockets, kidnappings, and other violent crimes?
    Israel has proven they are willing to uproot settlements for true peace prospects. So let them build and we’ll empty them later. Besides, why can’t jews live in a future Palestinian state? Doesn’t religious descrimination bother Hillary?
    The Palestinians (aren’t jews palestinians too having lived in Palestine) are always finding some dumb excuse.

  3. She could have said: “The US feels that for the sake of peace we prefer Israel stop the settlements. Instead she puts her nose into an issue that is beyond her comprehension and decides what is legitimate. This legitimacy thing is going to come back to haunt her and Obama who used the same expression. It gets me wondering if his presidency is legitimate and her appointment to this post. After all just because his birth was reported in some Hawaiin newspaper- his father not being a citizen could have called in the story just to insure that his non-citizen son aqcuired citizenship. You know in those days US citizenship was even more precious than it is now. Boreh Olam will decide the legitimacy of those that deny what the Torah says.

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