Minister Katz Promises Improved Bnei Brak Bus Service

eged.jpgMeeting with city council officials on Wednesday, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz promised he would move the matter of increased bus service in Bnei Brak, between Rabbi Akiva Street, a main thoroughfare, and Jabotinsky St., including Jerusalem Street. The minister indicated the budget for the move would be forthcoming.

Katz explained that money is not the only issue, addressing the complexity of the issue regarding safety and logistical aspects, pointing out that on a motzei shabbos, there are 36 bus lines operated by 8 companies bringing passengers to chareidi areas outside of Bnei Brak.

On motzei shabbos there are a staggering 270 bus runs during a relatively short number of hours to cities around the country. One must remember that this is taking place in an urban setting, a somewhat congested one, one that has many many children moving about, adding to the safety concerns.

The minister indicated there is progress regarding the new 422 line to Jerusalem via Jabotinsky and the Geha Highway as well as efforts to upgrade the existing lines, 400 and 402 to Jerusalem and the 350 to Ashdod.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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