Ben-Gurion Airport Within Hamas Rocket-Range

hamas1.jpgTo say “I told you so” will do little if anything to alleviate the pain and the concern surrounding Hamas’ expanding military might, now capable of launching an Iranian-made missile into the heart of the nation, Ben-Gurion International Airport, Rishon L’Tzion, Beit Shemesh, Cholon and Modi’in to name a few.

Chief of Military Intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin informed members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee on Tuesday that Hamas in Gaza successfully launched a new longer-range rocket, a rocket manufactured in Iran and successfully smuggled into Gaza via the underground tunnel network. The rocket extends Hamas’ striking ability from 40km (24 miles) to 60km (36 miles), placing the areas mentioned in the red zone. Terrorists underwent training in Iran and Syria to ensure they are proficient in operating the new rocket.

Ariel Sharon lies comatose in a hospital bed, and others including Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who supported the so-called 2005 Disengagement Plan seem to continue with impunity, despite having irreparably compromised  the nation’s security, not to mention decreeing close to 10,000 people will become refugees in their own land. Minister Limor Livnat has recently expressed remorse for supporting the plan, as have a small number of others, now aware of the tragedy that they have brought on the state and the Jewish People, but there is no accountability.

Yadlin told the committee that at present, Hamas is genuinely uninterested in resuming a conflict with Israel, preferring to busy itself with ongoing military training and weapons restock. He added that since Operation Grapes of Wrath, 19 Kassam rockets were fired, adding that the past summer was the quietest relatively speaking in a number of decades. He attributes this to Operation Cast Lead, which restored Israel’s deterrence power. (There have also been many mortar shell attacks).

Ironically, today, Wednesday, the United Nations General Assembly will convene to discuss the Goldstone Report, to examine the IDF ‘war crimes’ perpetrated against innocent people in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

At least one person is unwilling to accept the consequences of the Disengagement without trying to do something about it. Rav Dov Wolpe of SOS Save Israel is turning to the judicial system, seeking to hold the decision-makers who brought the tragedy of the Disengagement upon us to be held accountable in a court of law – responding to the alarming announcement that the nation’s international airport is now in rocket-range of the terrorist Gaza regime.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. The obvious question is WHAT NOW? Will the pathetic, yirai-washington government wait until these missles are launched (and the lives of hundreds of thousands of Yidden are in danger, and r’l maybe hundreds or 1000s are killed or injured) before they act to wipe out the PEREH-adam Strip (a.k.a. Gaza Strip), OR proclaiming faith in HaSh-m and pride as banim la’Melech will they act pre-emptively to annihilate these savages. I think HaSh-m is waiting for the answer to this question.

  2. “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who supported the so-called 2005 Disengagement Plan”
    Actually Bibi vehemently opposed the disengagement plan. Please get your facts straight before you write with “impunity”.

  3. This government has been the most productive in representing and supporting the cause of the State to the UN & the world, and for doing the least TL’ing to Washington – much more than previous governments.

  4. #2 – The FACT is, that Bibi only spoke up against the plan AFTER he knew it was a done deal. He was trying to be able to play both sides. He most probably COULD HAVE prevented it from being implemented IF he had spoken strongly against it earlier. He intentionally, did NOT.

  5. Bibi did agree at the time, although now he says he regrets doing so, and that he made a mistake… Well, at least he admits the mistake!

  6. #4 AinOhdMilvado, true, but it goes even further. Bibi is probably of the opinion that the “disengagement plan” was a good idea, and here is why. The game that the world plays with Israel is called the “pretending game”. The game goes like this. Everything associated with the Arabs we assume that they mean peace. It starts with pretending that there is a “Palestinian people”; pretending that allm the Arabs in Israel want is “self determination”, not the annihilation of Israel; pretending that if we gave them what they want, peace will break out in the middle East; pretending that a war between a democratic state and a group of terrorists, is a war which only the terrorists have the right to defend themselves; pretending that the Arab declaring that he wants peace is the equivalent of “mother Theresa”; and the list goes on and on. The purpose of “deliberatetly pretending” serves the goal of forcing Israel to create a Palestinian state armed to its teeth on the 1948 borders. That’s where Gaza comes into the picture. Gaza has proven “there is no one to make peace with”, that even if a Palestinian State was created only in Judea and Samaria. Tomorrow it will turn into Hamastown. By having Hamastown in Gaza, Israel can call the bluff of the world and say: first you deliver to us an entity which wants peace, which of course doesn’t exist. The bottom line is that as painful as Gaza is, Israel can and will use it to show the world that we are all of peace “if you can deliver it”, which means never. If not for the disengagement from Gaza, president Obama would have forced Israel to do the “Gaza experiment” in Judea and Samaria G-d forbid.

  7. #6 Ben Melech – what you say is very true, BUT let’s not (as they say) cloud the issue with facts. DESPITE the truth of what you say, obama will STILL, with the support of the long anti-semitic State Department try his best to force an expulsion of Jews from Yehuda and Shomron, – AND with fools like Barak (pretending to be defense minister) ALSO favoring this suicidal idea, we have, as always, only HaKadosh Baruch Hu to save us from ourselves.

  8. Someone in Israel told me that Sharon had a plan.
    He gave up the Gaza and if there should be any attacks from them then he would go in and destroy them all, however Hashem, had other plans and Sharon had a stroke and that was it with no one else doing anything. Hakol B’dei shomayim…

  9. #7 that’s why Israel placed as its Prime Minister Bibi Natanyahu who just like Obama “koichoi bepeh”. But I agree with you that we can’t take that for granted and that, Ein lonu al mi lehisho’ein eloh al Ovinu shebashemayim, (now let’s increase the volume on the decibel scale) Ain Ohd Milvadoi.

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