Israel Navy Stops Weapons Ship in Mediterranean [UPDATED 10:05AM IL]

ywbn11.gif10:00AM IL: [UPDATE BELOW] While details are still sketchy, an official announcement from IDF officials confirms members of the elite Shayetet 13 naval commando unit took part in an operation to halt a weapons ship “somewhere in the Mediterranean”, approximately 100 miles off the coast of Israel. 

The vessel was smuggling weapons and ammunition under the guise of being a benign carrier, and was directed to Israel to permit a more thorough investigation of its cargo.

UPDATE 10:45AM IL: The ship was flying an Antigua flag the IDF report adds. The vessel was boarded by navel commandos, who took control of the vessel, which reportedly contained a considerable amount of weapons and ammunition.

The operation marks another success for IDF intelligence.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. “The operation marks another success for IDF intelligence.”?
    The operation marks another revelation of hashgachas Hashem!

  2. hey, this is weapons that is supposed to go to the gaza military, and israel just steals them. what’s next theyre going to take well needed medical supplies? (just trying to sound like a “peace now” activist)

  3. Latest reports are that this ship had more than TEN TIMES the amount of weapons as the KARINE-A that was caught several years ago smuggling weapons.

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