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Ongoing Land Disputes in Shimon HaTzaddik area of Yerushalayim

Three Jews moved into a home in the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood of Jerusalem, referred to by Arabs as the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Arabs have already turned to police, insisting the Jews are squatters, reporting the home is owned by an Arab.

The Jews refuse to leave and police are not permitting the Arab person claiming ownership to enter.

There are many such disputes in that area as Jews continue buying properties towards renewing the Jewish presence in the eastern area of the capital. in some cases, ownership papers have been found documenting how the Arabs stole the properties, while in other cases, Arab owners are paid enormous sums to sell, enough to permit them to flee with their families and establish a new life in another country, aware the sale to Jews is tantamount to a death sentence among their people.

PA (Palestinian Authority) law also forbids selling property to Jews, a capital crime.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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