Teital’s Family: We Were Duped by a Psychopath; Acts of Terror Linked to Teital

111.jpgFor the wife of accused Jewish terrorist Yaakov (Jack) Teital and her parents, the news of his arrest and accusations against him have hit particularly hard. Rivka Teital and her parents report that were “living a lie”, unaware of any of his activities, which according to ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) reports include two murders in 1997 and numerous acts of terror.

Rivka’s sister, Dassi Krief, is quoted as telling Ynet “we hope everything will turn out to be a mistake. This is what we want to believe”.

Moshe Avitan, Rivka’s brother-in-law, explains Rivka is in a state of shock following the release of the news and charges against her husband, totally unaware of any such actions.

Neighbors in Shvut Rachel are no less in shock, explaining they seemed like a “regular couple” and the news of Yaakov’s alleged terrorist activities dating back over a decade has delivered a difficult blow to all who know him.

Last week, YWN-Israel reported on protests against police detaining a Shvut Rachel woman, Rivka Teital. With the lifting of the gag order it now evident she was questioned in connection to her husband’s alleged activities, but she has been released, with Shin Bet officials believing he did indeed act totally on his own, without anyone’s knowledge, including Rivka. Authorities report that she remained silent during questioning.

Officials on Monday morning report the investigating surrounding the arrest in October of Yaakov Teital is ongoing, hinting other arrests may be expected. On the other hand, all of the statements released since the lifting of the gag order on Sunday indicate Teital acted alone, in the planning and carrying-out phase of the attacks attributed to him.

Acts of terror attributed to Teital to date include:

Sept. 25, 2009: Placing a bomb at the home of Prof. Ze’ev Sternhell in Jerusalem.
March 20, 2008: seriously injuring a member of a messianic family in Ariel.
June-July 2007: placing a bomb near a monastery in Beit Shemesh which left an Arab injured.
April 20, 2007: the placement of a bomb in front of the police station in Yishuv Eli.
March 1, 2003: Placing a bomb to target a family in the Arab village of Sinjel.
August 3, 1997: The murder of an Arab in the S. Chevron Hills area.
June 8, 1997: The murder of an Arab taxi driver.

HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita, the chief rabbi of Tzfas, released a statement that the lifting of the gag order to coincide with the period marking the anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin “is suspicious indeed”.

YWN-Israel wishes to correct an erroneous report. Teital himself did not serve in the American military as was reported on Sunday. His father was a member of the Marine Corps, serving as a dentist for the American armed forces in many military installations.

Former ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) officials are calling for an internal probe of the agency after learning that Teital was arrested and questioned in 2000 in connection to the 1997 murders, but subsequently released due to lack of evidence. He was also questioned in connection to the bomb placement in front of the Yishuv Eli police station.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. I doubt the leftist Yeshiva News will ever allow this to be posted but I’d like to know where is the terrorism?? I am just sorry that he did not kill more of these animals.

  2. Does terrorism HAVE TO BE an individual or a group of them acting in secret and using guns and bombs?
    Well, it certainly CAN be.
    But perhaps IT CAN ALSO BE a group of LEFTIST politicians acting out in the open with WARPED ANTI-JEWISH policies that go by names like OSLO and WYE and are the cause of THOUSANDS of JEWISH deaths!
    If the results of recent governments’ policies has not been terror, WHAT WOULD YOU CALL IT? Furthermore, IF this person is guilty (IF!!!) then he was certainly wrong for committing these alleged acts, BUT if a government is acting AGAINST the interests of its citizens, and its sick policies are resulting over and over and over again in Jewish bloodshed, doesn’t that government deserve at least some of the blame as well for pushing an individual over the edge. This does not excuse these alleged acts by this person, but it can surely help explain them.

  3. #1 – As much as I sympathize with your feelings toward these savages, IF guilty, this person was acting without da’as Torah. This is NOT the way a Torah Jew operates.

  4. #1,
    You justify killing a taxi driver because he’s an Arab?
    Sounds like you agree with Hamas’ mantra.Its o.k. to kill anyone if its in the name of your cause.
    He even left bombs in Jewish areas which if anyone besides his target is there will be killed or maimed.
    This guy is a ruthless killer.
    Not to mention the fallout and Arab justification that will come with this story.
    He is a Rodef to all of us.

  5. To do such a thing is very wrong. It is not in your hands to take anothers life no matter what you feel or what your veiws are. This man is a bad example for the rest of us…yes I can understand why he did what he did, but only till a point. To actually kill people and endanger other’s lives…definitly not a moral thing to do.
    Once you justify an action like that, you can justify anything. And that is wrong.

  6. #1 – Golda Meir said it better than I ever could:

    We can forgive you for killing our sons. But we will never forgive you for making us kill yours.

  7. Any act of violence in unfortunate. It takes on a darker shade of black when it’s committed in the name of God however.

    While it was a single person who committed the crime, the reality is there is a whole network out there that is poisoning Judaism and Christianity alike. It’s called ZIONISM.

    It may seem this is a religious issue, but the elite of zionism are secular. Coldly so. They have been manipulating these two religions for the past 100 years. Modern Israel was formed by them. They collaborated with the nazis, and indeed hid some of them INSIDE of Israel after it’s formation. They hide in plain sight to this day.

    They promised a Jewish homeland. What they have given you is a zionist state that happens to be full of Jews. Human shields around the zionist nest. That wall holds people in too, you know…

    If you don’t stand up and route these people, they will destroy Israel long before radical Islam does.


  8. To “xexon” – you are one sick, deranged individual.
    Zionism, in its true form, just means the national aspect of Judaism. Every truly religious Jew knows that ultimately the Land of Israel is the home of the Jewish People.
    Now we are in Galus (as a punishment for our sins), but the religious aspiration of every sincere Jew is that Mashiach will come, we will all return to proper Torah observance, and along with that, return to OUR LAND, the Land of Israel. Zionism is the yearning for that return. Certainly there have been, and still are, many “secular Zionists” who believe in the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel because of oppression in Galus and/or simply out of a secular type of nationalism. The 60 years of Israel’s statehood have pretty well shown how secular Zionism has deteriorated, because it really has no foundation when the Torah is removed from it. This has happened to a degree that we now have the government of Israel itself having no clue how a Jewish State should behave, and acting so secularly as to actually be hurting its own interests as a Jewish state. Nevertheless, to say what this shoteh has said about manipulating and poisoning Judaism is the ravings of a person who is “chasair boreg”. Ask any chareidi Yerushalmi why he is living in Eretz Yisrael. You can be sure he will tell you its because of kedushas ha’aretz, and definitely NOT because of “manipulation of the Zionists”. Although I too abhor the secularist philosophy that is rampant in Israel today, THAT philosophy is NOT Zionism, it is simply SECULARISM. It is exactly because that secularism is NOT TRUE Zionism (which has ITS roots and foundation in Torah Judaism) that those secularists are the majority of (yordim) those leaving Eretz Yisrael, while Torah Jews are the majority of those making aliyah. “x”- you need psychological help.

  9. Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t understand this part of the article. Can someone explain please?
    “HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita, the chief rabbi of Tzfas, released a statement that the lifting of the gag order to coincide with the period marking the anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin “is suspicious indeed”.”

  10. #11-stzc > Rav Eliyahu shlit”a is suggesting that isn’t it a strange coincidence that davka on the anniversary of Rabin’s murder, (when the leftists annually like to stir up anti-right wing hatred) that davka now this fellow Teitel’s story hits the media.

  11. They’re pinning on this guy every unsolved case they can; he’s lucky they’re not charging him with the Arlozorov assassination! For weeks they refused to let his lawyer see him, or inform him of his right to remain silent. By the time they were finished with him he confessed to many crimes, including ones that they didn’t charge him with because they know he couldn’t possibly have done them. As far as I know there is nothing to link him to the 1997 killings except his confession, which isn’t worth much. And yes, it is very suspicious that this comes just in time for the feast day of Saint Yitzchak the Martyr. It’s like the old days when Easter was blood libel season.

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