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Vaccines Program Begins – 3 Additional Swine Flu Deaths in Israel

vaac.jpgThree more Israelis have died from swine flu Health Ministry officials reported on Monday.

One victim was a 52-year-old male with chronic medical ailments as well as having been the recipient of a kidney. He arrived in Sheba Medical Center last week with fever and his condition deteriorated rapidly.

A 29-year-old male from the Sharon region, described as obese, with medical problems and a heavy smoker was fell victim to the illness. He was admitted to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba with shortness of breath and a high fever. Shortly after being admitted to an intensive care unit, his condition deteriorated rapidly as well.

The third victim was a 75-year-old female from the Haifa area, who arrived last week in Rambam Medical Center complaining of complications surrounding a chronic illness. She died over shabbos. To date, 39 Israelis have died of the illness.

On an optimistic note, the Health Ministry on Monday launched its vaccination program, beginning with members of the healthcare community and persons in the high-risk category. The inoculations in the first stage are being administered in hospitals.

Kupot Cholim (HMOs) will begin administering the vaccination on Wednesday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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