Israel: 4 Sifrei Torah Damaged Due to Heavy Rains

The badly-needed rainfall that was seen before shabbos brought flooding to some areas, which reported that in less than 24 hours, they received an amount that exceeds average rainfall for all of October, and in some cities, more than all of October and November.

One of the heaviest hit areas was Netanya, with officials reporting the water level was quite high in the Ohr HaChaim Shul located near Kiryat Sanz. As a result, four sifrei torah were damaged.

The shul is located a flight and a half under street level, and the shul was flooded on erev shabbos. The water level rose to over a half meter (over 1.5 feet) and the damage was extensive.

According to a HaMevaser report, over 1,500 new sifrei kodesh were destroyed due to water damage.

Elsewhere in Netanya, flooding was reported in the basement of Laniado Hospital, and as hospital officials grew increasingly concerned, the chief engineer, a Sanzer Chassid who lives in Elad was summoned on shabbos to begin operating water pumps and to take action to prevent a situation that might chas v’sholom compromise the hospital electrical system. The system is not only responsible for the lighting, but for operating the internal oxygen and other life-maintaining systems.

The department head was called on shabbos morning and according to the report, he spent most of the day bringing the situation under control.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. With all the problems from heavy rains, they are still rains of blessing. Rains strong enough to fill the reservoirs will always have side effects.
    Perhaps these rains along with stronger economy in Israel are signs of the Geulah (redemption).

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